Monday 24 February 2020

We Can Hear You, We Are Beside You - Pleiadian Rainbow Forces

Dear ones, we know that you are tired, and you have many questions in your mind such as “where are your allies in galactic federation of light? Why you don’t see them yet? Why they don’t help you?”

Dear ones, we are here beside you, we can hear you, and we have told you before about the challenges on your way towards evolution.

Dear one, be like water on your path. Look to your body, how many percentages of it consists of water? Act like water. Practice its flexibility, its power, its softness, and be unstoppable like water. Water can turn to steam, expand and become even more powerful. Well, this is the story of you and us.

You are learning that you are not the victims, that you are unlimited, that you are experiencing and learning how to activate your divine powers.

We are like parents who walk behind you, we watch over you but you should act like a child who is learning how to walk (you are starting to walk towards the path of the infinity). Keep your will firmly while trusting completely that you are protected. Do children give up by falling down for few times? Do they give up walking? They keep going up from stairs, they keep experiencing, and once they reached upstairs then they turn and smile to their protectors, The victory smile. We love to see this smile of yours, the victory smile.

Everything has been prepared for you, we have opened the way for you, accessing to the infinite energy has been made possible for you, but you have to climb from the stairs by yourselves. This is a universal law.

We can hear you and we are beside you.

Transmission from pleiadian rainbow forces.

Channeled by Tiona

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Remember Your Holiness and Your Eternity

Earth warriors, every day you are witnessing plasmatic packages entering to earth.

What you are experiencing is your sight becoming more transparent both physically and consciously, meaning that everything which were ambiguate are getting clearer now.

All these phases are moving forth measured and controlled with respect to consciousness level, tolerance in change, Gaia’s tolerance and controlled discharges.

Losing “the social influence over oneself” is a indication of growth. It means the person starts to be his/her true self. Faces lose tolerating veils (of socialization) and start to be who they truly are. Even those who have forgotten their true nature will come to realize it when asking themselves the question of “Who I Am?”

Admitting the true self without any fear is the Return of the Courage, because the person comes to a comprehension of his/her position in the universe and understands that nothing can stop his/her presence. Because every person has always been there, and will always be there, but in different shapes. And this is the return of Holiness. the person understands the origin of his/her sacredness.

We have spoken before of dark faces being revealed. When light shines upon darkness, the enlightening will continue.

The consciousness light package entered to earth like plasmatic bombs will change the mental bodies.

The truth has been empowered. Individual matrixes have started to resolve so that the person can enter to his/her divine matrix.

All these along with external signs will be understood by each person. And hologram content of the person starts to adopt changes that reflection of frequencies sent out through this new hologram will be coming back as external changes to that individual’s hologram.

More coming in the next phases of the changes soon by ninth dimensional and seventh dimensional warriors.

Remember your holiness and your eternity. This is who you truly are. And consciously live your truth.

Galactic Federation of light.
Channeled by Tiona

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Transmission via Solar Portal from Pleiadian Rainbow Forces.

The pleiadian forces are informing and announcing standby status for executing another part of the “Masterpiece” operation with collaboration of ninth dimensional beings 
on earth date 05/02/2020

consciously receive the Light Codes.

God Speed.

Transmission via Solar Portal from Pleiadian Rainbow Forces.

Channeled by Tiona 