Friday 17 April 2020

DIVINE MOTHER - 16/04/2020

DIVINE MOTHER - 16/04/2020 ...

I am your mother and once again I come to tell you something important ...

What happens at that moment is the intense purification of your Being so that you can ascend ...

You have been on this soil for so many lives which you cannot remember, but everything is recorded in your Akashic Records and at the right time it will activate so that the awakening of the divinity that you are can happen ...

But there are memories from last lives of which need to be freed so that they are totally detached, so that the process can take place easier...

These are memories of the duality and the stories lived here that brought the manifestation of attachments which will add nothing to you ...

Relationships poorly resolved, loves that are gone and still etched in you, obstructing the cleansing and purification of your Being ...

Sorrows of people you have not yet freed yourself from.

Things from work where you didn't feel recognized, or from which you left. the reason doesn't matter ...

There are people who have passed through your life as friends , those who are gone and you never forgot them ...

All the things that can be kept inside, need to be released and often forgiven ...

Know that the whole story ends when my announcement is done, and therefore you need to learn to let go because not everyone will go to the same place ...

There are people from the same physical family, who do not believe in ascension and do not have your clarification and your evolution ...

There is no need to worry as there will be the final encounter where many will wake up exactly when the Akashic Record is activated ...

This will happen during the three days that will be in the process of stasic, where your body will be inert in the process of catalepsy or catatonia ... (**)

This will be the opportunity for them to say yes and surrender to let themselves work, and then DNA will be able to activate and reach in a quantum leap of the 12 chains provided by cosmic geneticists ...

Do not be worried about how this process will be and who will go through it, as this is not your assignment ...

Just take care to do your part and take care not to drop your vibration, to avoid going into densification as your Light may decrease in the moment to come ...

Your Light will be identified and visualized by the Beings we call Angels of the Lord, who are unified 3rd Dimension Beings who will be in ships to rescue you ...

That which I am mentioning here is not a reason for you to enter the question, wanting to know how it will happen ...

Only those who surrender to me, your Mother and Father Creator, will be taken to the place where they must be taken to and will be helped by the Beings that are part of the Cosmic Hierarchy ...

But what I came now to talk to you about is to let yourself to be purified and not be judging people and what happens in this world, because everything that is triggering was designed and planned by us ...

More than ever vibrate serenity, peace and love because from now on the vibration of this planet will increase and you need to accompany for being in the proper vibration ...

Do not forget that you are the Light of this world and we need all of you children of Light for this soil to illuminate ...

Let there be Light in your day and may Love and Joy come to find you ...

I AM ISIS YOUR Divine Mother

Channeled by: Jandira de Moraes (Ashtara Ashtrea)

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Archangel Metatron - Metatronic Keys - 04/04/2020

LORD METATRON - 04/04/2020 ...

Eyher Asher Eyher

I am that I am

I am Metatron in you ...

I come to bless you at such an important time for Planet Earth ...

That moment never before experienced by humanity where the quality and quantity of the Light in your atmosphere intensely increased ...

Today there was the meeting of the Light coming from the Great Central Sun of Alcyone along with the vibration of the Sun of Sirius, and many Galaxies and Universes came to join us ...

The quality and intensity of what manifests in you and on the planet Earth is to create the possibility of the Ascension of Gaia which will soon happen ...

I announce to you that the Harmonic Convergence on this soil for the second time was implanted, that have been preceded in the year of 1987 to unify the Light of distant galaxies that allowed everything to happen in this soil ...

The forgery that had existed since the time of Atlantis made by the Archons of “Ursa Major”caused the DNA helices to be reduced to two only ...

This had densified you and made you a hostage to the commandments and commands of the Illuminattis who created suffering and also successive reincarnation, generating what they called the “Wheel of Sansara” that imprisoned you for many incarnations ...

But it is all over and this is the last incarnation that you will live, because freedom in this Now Moment manifests itself and no one else will prevent you from ascending ...

You were prevented from ascending 5 times by the Nibiru ship which is 4 times bigger than your Planet, because it placed itself above the Earth distancing you from the (central) Sun and preventing you from achieving the ascension ...

On 08/15/2009 we of the Cosmic Hierarchy, having in front the Celestial Militias commanded by Archangel Michael managed to send this Ship 25 thousand light years away from Earth ...

From then on she was no longer able to pester you ...

Today the planet “Hercolubus” is mistakenly called Nibiru but that is not true, because Hercolubus is the twin of the your galaxy’s sun...

There were many attacks of darkness to frighten and dominate you, trying to prevent the rise of collective humanity and Planet Earth ...

But they were totally defeated at that time and they will not be able to implement the New World Order, because we took that possibility from them and everything is under our control ...

On that day 04/04/2020 corresponding to 444, the last Inter-dimensional Portal was implanted ...

Starting today, what will manifest on this soil is the implantation of the vibration of Love and the Eternal Sacred Feminine, thus allowing the Divine Mother to make the announcement of the Event of humanity liberation that will easily happen ...

so we need you to stop feeling victims of what the darkness has implanted through this false virus which was mediated by infinite sources used to stop and frighten you ...

We are in control of everything and we know that the figures released do not correspond to reality and the people who disembark are of numerous diseases propagated as being the responsibility of Covid 19 ...

Be in peace, because everything is already being finalized and those who at this moment want to imprison you will no longer succeed, because we are in charge and we will not let anything in you to spread ...

Only Love can heal the pain that humanity is feeling right now, dominated by the widespread lies ...

That is why I tell you that you do not need to meditate, pray or make chains which put you in an egregore which is being used by darkness to dominate you and drink from its vibration to feed from...

True and Christlike Love lives in you at this moment, for the vibration of the “Source Father, Mother and Christ” is implanted in your Cosmic Heart ...

So you are the purest expression of the Love of Mother and Father Creator in this moment...

Only those who still give in to fear will not access this miracle implanted in that moment by Love ...

As the Commander of the Elders Melchizedeks Omraam Mikaël Aïvanhov said: "either you live by fear or by Love" ...

When you are vibrating fear your aura darkens, your vibration falls and you cannot be visible by the Beings of the Ships that will come to find you to rescue you...

Those who are close to you are the Vegalianos, coming from “Vega de Lyra” which we call "Angels of the Lord" ...

Their appearance is not human, but they are docile beings who donated themselves to come and rescue you and to take you to the Mother Ships and then they will be taken to the Fire Circles of the Elders where many Beings of the Cosmic Hierarchy will be waiting for you ..

In the coming days you will notice a lot of difference in your body and in your vibration, since the Light of Love will be accompanying you in the air starting today...

Many news will manifest until the end of this month of April to facilitate the rise of Gaia with you ...

The Metatronic Keys that I promised to bring you are already being implanted during your sleep, either during the day or during night...

Because of this, you will be more sleepy than normal and when you wake up it takes a long time to work and to do your tasks ...

Everything is as planned and as for your DNA to be activated and for the codes brought by my Keys to be implanted

Be in Peace and Light and never feel alone and helpless ...

I am Metatron, the Divine Source within you ...

I offer you my blessing and my love ...

Channeled by: Jandira de Moraes (Ashtara Ashtrea)


LORD METATRON - 04/04/2020...

Eyher Asher Eyher
Eu Sou o Que Eu Sou

Eu Sou Metatron em vós...

Eu venho abençoar-vos neste momento tão importante para o Planeta Terra...

Esse momento nunca antes pela humanidade foi vivido, onde a qualidade e a quantidade da Luz em vossa atmosfera, vem intensamente aumentar...

Hoje aconteceu a reunião da Luz vinda do Grande Sol Central de Alcyone, junto à vibração do Sol de Sirius e de muitas Galáxias e Universos, que à nós vieram se juntar...

A qualidade e intensidade daquilo que em vós se manifesta e no solo do Planeta Terra, é pra que seja criada a possibilidade da Ascensão de Gaia, que em breve vai acontecer...

Vos anuncio que a Convergência Harmônica neste solo pela segunda vez se implantou, tendo sido precedida no ano de 1987, pra unificar a Luz de galáxias distantes, que possibilitou que tudo acontecesse nesse solo...

A falsificação que havia desde a época da Atlântida, sido feita pelos Arcontes de Ursa Maior, fez com que sua hélices de DNA fossem reduzidas à duas apenas...

Isso vos densificou e fez com que estivestes refém dos mandos e comandos dos Iluminattis, que criaram o sofrimento e também a reencarnação sucessiva, gerando o que chamaram de Roda de Sansara que vos aprisionou, por muitas encarnações...

Mas tudo se findou e essa é a última encarnação que viveis, pois a liberdade neste Agora se manifesta e ninguém mais, vai vos impedir de ascensionar...

Fostes impedidos de ascensionar por 5 vezes pela nave Nibiru, que é 4 vezes maior que seu Planeta, pois ela se colocou acima da Terra, vos distanciando do Sol e vos impedindo de conseguir a ascensão...

Em 15/08/2009 nós da Hierarquia Cósmica, tendo à frente as Milícias Celestiais comandadas por Arcanjo Miguel, conseguimos mandar esta Nave à 25 mil anos Luz distante da Terra...

A partir de então ela não mais teve a condição de vos importunar...

Hoje chamam erroneamente o Planeta Hercólubus de Nibiru, mas isso não é verdade, pois Hercólubus é o gêmeo do Sol de vossa galáxia...

Muitas foram as investidas das trevas pra vos amedrontar e dominar, tentando impedir a ascensão da humanidade coletiva e do Planeta Terra...

Mas foram totalmente vencidos nesse momento e não vão conseguir implantar a Nova Ordem Mundial, pois tiramos deles essa possibilidade e tudo sob nosso controle está...

Nesse dia de hoje 04/04/2020 correspondente ao 444, foi Implantado o último Portal Interdimensional...

A partir de hoje o que neste solo vai se manifestar, é a implantação da vibração do Amor, do Eterno e Sagrado Feminino, permitindo assim que a Divina Mãe faça o Anúncio e o Evento de libertação da humanidade, com facilidade acontecerá...

Para isso precisamos que parem de sentir-se vítimas do que a treva implantou, através desse falso vírus, que midiaticamente foi propagado por infinitas fontes, usadas pra vos travar e amedrontar...

Estamos no controle de tudo e sabemos que os números divulgados, não correspondem à realidade e as pessoas que desencarnam, são de inúmeras doenças, propagadas como sendo responsabilidade do Covid 19...

Estejam na paz, pois tudo já está sendo finalizado e aqueles que neste momento querem vos aprisionar não mais conseguirão, pois estamos no comando e não deixaremos que nada em vós se propague...

Só o Amor pode curar a dor, que a humanidade está sentindo neste momento, tão dominado pelas mentiras disseminadas...

Por isso vos digo que não precisam meditar, orar ou fazer correntes, que os colocam em uma egrégora, que está sendo usada pela treva, pra vos dominar e beber de sua vibração, pra se alimentar...
O Amor Verdadeiro e Crístico em vós vive neste momento, pois a vibração da Fonte Pai, Mãe e Cristo está implantada em vosso Cósmico Coração...

Então sois sim neste momento, a mais pura expressão do Amor de Mãe e Pai Creador...

Apenas aqueles que ainda ao medo se entregarem, não acessarão esse milagre implantado nesse momento pelo Amor...

Como disse o Comandante dos Anciões Melquisedeques Omraam Mikaël Aïvanhov: "ou você vive pelo medo ou pelo Amor"...

Quando estais vibrando o medo sua aura se escurece, sua vibração cai e não podes ser visíveis, pelos Seres das Naves que virão vos encontrar pra resgatar...

Esses que estão próximos de vós são os Vegalianos, vindos de Vega de Lyra a que chamamos de "Anjos do Senhor"...

A aparência deles não é de humano, mas são seres dóceis que se doaram pra vir vos resgatar e para as Naves Mãe vos levar e então serão conduzidos aos Círculos de Fogo dos Anciões, onde muitos Seres da Hierarquia Cósmica estarão a vos esperar...

Nos próximos dias notareis muita diferença em vosso corpo, em vossa vibração, pois a Luz do Amor estará a partir de hoje no ar, a vos acompanhar...

Muitas novidades se manifestarão até o final deste mês de Abril, pra facilitar a ascensão de Gaia junto a vós...

As Chaves Metatrônicas que vos prometi trazer, estão já sendo implantadas durante vosso sono, seja durante o dia ou em vossas noites...

Por conta disso, estareis mais sonolentos do que o normal e ao acordar demoram muito tempo até funcionar, pra fazer vossas tarefas...

Tudo dentro do previsto está e é pra que vosso DNA, seja ativado e os códigos trazidos por minhas Chaves, sejam implantados...

Estejam na Paz e na Luz e nunca se sintam sós e desamparados...

Eu Sou Metatron, a Fonte Divina que em vós está...

Vos ofereço minha bênção e meu Amor...

Canalizado por: Jandira de Moraes (Ashtara Ashtrea)

Thursday 2 April 2020

Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation on April 5th at 2:45 AM UTC

Dear Light Brothers and Sisters

There is a call for mass meditation at the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto Conjunction on 4th/5th April. accordingly, the exact of this mass meditation will be on 05th April 2020 at 02:45AM UTC.

This opportunity will be used to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will solidify the optimal Ascension timeline for the planet.
This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely remove the coronavirus, to help removing all the fear this epidemic has created, to counteract all plans dark forces had with triggering this epidemic, and to help shifting the planetary evolution back into the most positive Ascension timeline that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.

Here are the instructions of this meditation:
(Suggested duration of this meditation is 20 minutes)

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift the planet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool to completely remove the coronavirus.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining coronavirus on Earth, disinfecting all infected areas on the planet, healing all patients, removing all fear associated with this epidemic and restoring stability.

5. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, shifting away from all epidemics, away from all wars, away from all global domination. Visualize white, pink, blue and golden Light healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Credit to : We Love Mass Meditation

Audio version of this meditation in English :

you can find the same file in other languages prepared for your convenience if needed. 


The exact time of this meditation is on 05th April 2020 at 02:45AM UTC. this time equals to:

10:45 pm EDT on April 4th in New York. 9:45 pm CDT in Chicago, 8:45 pm MDT in Denver and 7:45 pm PDT in Los Angeles.

Europe and Asia will already have April 5th at the moment of the activation, which will be 3:45 am BST in London, 4:45 am CEST in Paris, 4:45 am EET in Cairo, 10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing, 11:45 am JST in Tokyo and 12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.

here is a link to use for converting the meditation time (05th April 2020 at 02:45AM UTC) to your local time :

Shared With Love, 💖 
Victory of Light 11:11