Friday 17 April 2020

DIVINE MOTHER - 16/04/2020

DIVINE MOTHER - 16/04/2020 ...

I am your mother and once again I come to tell you something important ...

What happens at that moment is the intense purification of your Being so that you can ascend ...

You have been on this soil for so many lives which you cannot remember, but everything is recorded in your Akashic Records and at the right time it will activate so that the awakening of the divinity that you are can happen ...

But there are memories from last lives of which need to be freed so that they are totally detached, so that the process can take place easier...

These are memories of the duality and the stories lived here that brought the manifestation of attachments which will add nothing to you ...

Relationships poorly resolved, loves that are gone and still etched in you, obstructing the cleansing and purification of your Being ...

Sorrows of people you have not yet freed yourself from.

Things from work where you didn't feel recognized, or from which you left. the reason doesn't matter ...

There are people who have passed through your life as friends , those who are gone and you never forgot them ...

All the things that can be kept inside, need to be released and often forgiven ...

Know that the whole story ends when my announcement is done, and therefore you need to learn to let go because not everyone will go to the same place ...

There are people from the same physical family, who do not believe in ascension and do not have your clarification and your evolution ...

There is no need to worry as there will be the final encounter where many will wake up exactly when the Akashic Record is activated ...

This will happen during the three days that will be in the process of stasic, where your body will be inert in the process of catalepsy or catatonia ... (**)

This will be the opportunity for them to say yes and surrender to let themselves work, and then DNA will be able to activate and reach in a quantum leap of the 12 chains provided by cosmic geneticists ...

Do not be worried about how this process will be and who will go through it, as this is not your assignment ...

Just take care to do your part and take care not to drop your vibration, to avoid going into densification as your Light may decrease in the moment to come ...

Your Light will be identified and visualized by the Beings we call Angels of the Lord, who are unified 3rd Dimension Beings who will be in ships to rescue you ...

That which I am mentioning here is not a reason for you to enter the question, wanting to know how it will happen ...

Only those who surrender to me, your Mother and Father Creator, will be taken to the place where they must be taken to and will be helped by the Beings that are part of the Cosmic Hierarchy ...

But what I came now to talk to you about is to let yourself to be purified and not be judging people and what happens in this world, because everything that is triggering was designed and planned by us ...

More than ever vibrate serenity, peace and love because from now on the vibration of this planet will increase and you need to accompany for being in the proper vibration ...

Do not forget that you are the Light of this world and we need all of you children of Light for this soil to illuminate ...

Let there be Light in your day and may Love and Joy come to find you ...

I AM ISIS YOUR Divine Mother

Channeled by: Jandira de Moraes (Ashtara Ashtrea)

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