Friday 15 May 2020

I Am The Source That is Everything...

I Am The Source That Is Everything

I AM that amorphous Being without name and form that is everywhere ...

I AM in every time and space without a time and space to identify ...

I came in this Now moment to speak to you for with a stretch of your hands, you will achieve nothing else because there will be nothing more to achieve ...

You already live this “Eternal Now” where there is neither an identifiable tomorrow nor a today, because when you dress “Eternity and the Absolute” there will be nothing to identify ...

Identification defines you in a time and space, where you were and where you wanted to go ...

Why searching, why want to leave somewhere to ascend?

There is no ascension for the one who is already in the Absolute, because in this condition you are everything and you are nothing, you can do all things without needing to physically accessing them ...

You don’t need to understand other things anymore ... just let it be, let life find you ...

This you will no longer have an identification, because it is no longer necessary…

You are already like a Multidimensional Being, but in this “Eternal Now moment” you will dress up with the timeless, amorphous form, because that is what will be done by itself...

The identity (where they want to go and where they want to be) in the light in “Eternal Now moment” is no longer searchable for the One who feels he/she already *is* in eternity...

Feel it, live it and you will access everything in this Eternal Now moment, because that's all you have to live, that's all you'll live ...

So it is forever and so it will be ..

Channeled by Ashtara Ashtrea (Jandira de Moraes)

1 comment:

  1. You wrote:

    There is no ascension for the one who is already in the Absolute ...

    No one is already in the Absolute, so far.
    Few will be, when the Event has come.
