Tuesday 21 January 2020

Transmission From Solar Portal and Pleiadian Rainbow Forces - Be Ready to Welcome The New Wave of Awaken Ones on February 2020

Transmission from solar portal and pleiadian rainbow forces

Dear starseeds, consciously keep receiving the light codes that comes from light lands and keep sending them to the darknesses that you observe, through crystalline chakras of heart.

Dear ones, the opening and energetic sending culmination of 02-02-2020 event will occur in 16 days from now which means on 5th Feb 2020.

As this portal opens and the planet’s akashic cleanses, Gaia’s motherhood power and her spiritual power will be completely freed, and the direct impact of these freed energies will be observed on Gaia’s children lives.

For example, we will see the transgressors who were collaborating with the planet’s military force will get out of illusion and will suddenly wake up and will give up their weapons for humanity’s benefit.

This new wave will cause experiencing another event as well which is the wave of new awaken ones who will wake up in shock. This new wave will be supported by those who got awakened in previous cycles.

We have gone through this way before and we know what experiences you will have.

so, starseeds, be ready to welcome the new wave of awaken ones on February 2020

God speed

Channeled by Tiona


  1. مدتی بود که در دعاهام و مدیتیشن هام سربازان ضد شورش رو میدیدم که سلاحشونو زمین میزارن و بجای اسلحه گل در دستاشونه، و چقدر شگفت زده شدم که این پیام از آرزوی دیرینه من مژده میده

  2. Thank you so much for sharing as the world needs such love to heal us all

  3. ∞ Infinite Abundance ∞ Meditation

    I AM Goddess ISIS (Mother Mary)
