Saturday 7 December 2019

The Pleiadians Rainbow Children from Galactic Federation of Light - Be Prepared for 16th December 2019

Be prepared for 16th December 2019. 

After the successful operation on 06th of December and earthly bodies tolerance and adjustment with the higher frequencies, we will initiate a higher frequency within next 10 days.

According to reports received from galactic federation of light’s light forces on earth, it appears that the separation of those who are awaken from those who are still trapped in 3D matrix illusions doesn’t look pleasant.

The December phase has caused a great pressure on relationships to determine paths. Also, there were lots of attacks to galactic federation of light’s forces on earth.

We know that you want to help those who have been stuck not by their own “free will”, but stuck due to the 3D traps. Ask help from their higher selves to place their earthly bodies on ascension path. Declaring such to your higher dimensional selves to identify those who are stuck in 3D traps will be very effective in helping them to get freed. You have the right and the power to do so, to help your kinds, and this is not an interference to their “free will”.

We are glad that you have bravely determined your path.

We love you.

The Pleiadians Rainbow Children from galactic federation of light

Channeled by Tiona
07th December  2019


  1. Поясните что значит выставить свои тела на путь вознесения *? Это значит что вы хотите нашей смерти ? чтобы мы умерли и ушли с 3 мерной Земли ? но зачем ? Вы лучше сделайте нам Рай в этом 3 мерном мире . Дайте нам еды дома и деньги . Дайте нам изобилие во всем и каждому .

    1. They said they will help us
      If we ask for help
      Even about life problems, jobs, income ..

  2. Wonderful, thank you Light forces! My relationship is very polarized, even with my son. So stressful, hard to hold the Light. But these messages give me hope, which gives me strength.

    1. MotherGods Here With FatherGod See 💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙

  3. We Love You All So LOVEHASWON! Love Archeia Angela and The Angels. 💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼💙👼

  4. Thanks for explaining what happened...yet I was unable to comprehend till reading here.
