Monday 9 December 2019

Commander Saha- Be Ready To Encounter With Things That Have Been Hidden From You

Urgent Transmission 

To: All Light Workers and Awakened Ones on Earth

Be ready as we move forward towards the powerful phase of the December Portal. So wonderful and tremendous along with exquisite experiences. Don’t be afraid of disruptions and stay focused in center. Use your light protections to protect all “Humans”. The earth alliance forces suggest you meditate every two hours on odd hours of your local time during critical conditions. You can do this because you have its experience and you are capable to do so.

Powerful solar rays are on the way. We are beside you, closer than ever and your connection path to us is opened through your heart as always. So, take care of your connection centers “your third eye and your heart”. The remarkable changes of bodies, DNA and your frequency after the December phase will put an end to the belligerents Sovereignty on awakened ones. They will get weaker and weaker and thus trying to continue the old earth hierarchy by keeping the dormant ones in 3D.

Responsibly try to awaken everyone, loving and gently without concerning about attacks, judgments. Disruptions are temporary and you are practicing “the creating”.

You may become frustrated from yourself and may doubt your capabilities. Dear ones, this is normal, and we understand that you were under influence of limiting programs. We know that you were prevented for acknowledging yourself, for having faith in yourself, for acknowledging yourself as the creator, but you will get used to the new conditions, you will get used to see our ships on earth as you got used seeing them in skies.

So, be ready to encounter with things that have been hidden from you till now. For seeing the beauties of the existence.

We love you.

Commander Saha from Solar Portal.
Channeled By Tiona
09th December 2019


  1. thank you thank you! G, California

  2. Благодарю Командир Саа ! Это ты ответил мне на мои сомнения и запросы ты меня слышишь и понимаешь . Я обожаю Вас Я верю Вам Мы победим вместе !

  3. 🙏🤗👽🌎💫↩️🍀🌠🌈🏁

  4. I am here and you are welcome to come with peace aND love.. I feel awake but I ask for help knowing I'm awake. Know me and know you.

  5. Thank you you!!! I will pass this fotward!
