Friday 23 August 2019

Kryon – New Soul – August 2019

Kryon – New Soul – August 2019

Transcribed by Riana

Greetings dear ones, I’m Kryon of Magnetic Service. What follows is new and it will be seen as controversial as always. (Smile) The controversy is from those who have a certain thing, a certain way and whatever that thing is, is based upon a culture that they understand that is linear. One of the hardest things that any human being can do is to get out of the box that they were born in! A box which make sense, it makes sense, because it’s the way things work. It makes sense because that’s how you’reretrained. It makes sense, because that’s what your loved ones said. It makes sense because as you learned certain things, including those things were spiritual and metaphysical! That’s the way of world. And now I come along and give you a whole different perspective, and before I even do it, I tell you this: It’s a new perspective dear ones, because the energy of this planet is starting to support the understanding of it, and with those of you who are not in your heads because don’t make sense, as supposed to not making sense, but simply accepting it. It’s the Manousha that helps to understand it and yet it brings up something that is completely different, so different that you shake your hand, you shake your head and you say: I don’t understand it on this world. Multidimensional things dear ones that are completely and totally beyond that you mentioned you live in are odd and strange. You can’t understand multidimensional life that might exist in ways that do not conform to your definition of life!

Because all you have is biology! How do you feel about light? Does light have life? and you will say it doesn’t seem to reproduce, it doesn’t seem tick off the things that does not make sense, do not make sense in your definition and yet light changes if you observe it! That is almost a cause that effects relationship the human consciousness and light. Light is a multidimensional energy that actually can respond to human consciousness. So, in that start to bring up other questions! What’s a life, what’s not a life? what is your definition of life?

I’ll give you that only, because what comes next is extremely complex. Again, we open the door that is discussion, that is so beautiful about the human soul! The human soul is not anything like what you were told. Even if you follow the Kryon messages, I just give you surface information, summary information about the complexity, the beauty, the enormity, the magnificence of your soul! You use the word so simply. On our ship reports howmany souls are on board? It’s a reference to how many human beings… because that’s how you see it. There is a human , each human has a soul. Now, then you turn to spiritual teaching and you ask what is a soul and how it works? And you will hear many descriptions but most of them are linear. You have a soul, it is with you for life, that soul existed before you came, you take that soul, you come in to the world. You make the choices, you make the soul is with you, you live the soul goes on the other side away, the soul comes back again, that is a reincarnated soul! Not all believe that. Many believe the soul is just here for a while and it goes away and it never comes back! So different are the attitudes and ideas. The original spiritual systems of this planet, the very very original! saw the soul as reincarnating constantly. Those systems also saw the energy of what we would call ‘Karma’ today, karma that be in the expression of the energies of life before yours, that you would carry into this life that would have an energy that would have to be without it. That energy to a Hindu is primary. You will go to all lives to experience Nirvana which is a cleansing of a Karma! And so, all of these principals were original principals, they are the most intuitive ones you can find on this planet to what a core truth is. Today the soul becomes linear and the information about it you wouldn’t believe how simple it is or it isn’t. what happens when you die, when the soul goes away? I have said in front of you many times and I have given you information about soul splitting. I’ve asked you to even examine what is your higher self? It is a higher portion of your soul, where is it? And then I tell you there is no such a thing as wellwhen it comes to multidimensionality. Location, itself is a linear idea dear ones, and if I tell you that the soul is everywhere all the time, and all parts of a galaxy, because it is attached to the creative source which is multidimensional and it is everywhere all the time in the galaxy, you may start to understand, but that’s you! Your soul! It’s not local! It doesn’t simply come in with you! Dear one, it’s still around the galaxy! That’s hard! Isn’t it?

You would say: “Wait a minute Kryon, you mean my soul is not completely in my body?! “

You got it! How would you have a higher self and it all would be in your body? The higher self must be somewhere else. Higher! Haha! (smile)

Then you start to realise that there is an element of splitting! Now, that word is wrong! Because even splitting is an absolute linear concept! You have one thing and it comes a night and you have to! That splitting, that is not the way of it! It’s the only concept I can use! You don’t have a word that is an amalgamation of confluence of sharing! One soul may be a million! It’s not in that which I would call your understanding! It’s just isn’t there! So, what comes next is even more difficult! All of that is to say, I would like to define today they are walk-in and never done this. In the channel we that we gave a moment ago, we sat next to the teacher, merylin. And when she channels dear ones, she closes her eyes and opens them and she someone else. All of these took place after an experience that she had called the walk-in. it’s been well documented in her life and what she describes and in that she describes it conforms to what metaphysics describes is a walk-in. and everything I’m going to tell you right now, doesn’t make sense to that. You linearize everything! Let’s talk about a walk-in and how it is supposed to work in its basic form, also when it starts to work, how often the most come in? but it goes like this. Your mind is in your business with in your soul! (smile) and then because of something which we will describe , another soul walks in to your life and you become so different that you don’t even recognize that which was before. It is so startlingly different as was the case with Merylin, the teacher, that even her son asks the question, what have you done with my mother? That is how profound the shift and the change is, and to human being there is only one answer, you’ve shifted souls. So, the soul you are born with, goes away, somehow or stays in the back seat, somehow, another soul comes in, somehow, and that is then, who you get! It’s called a walk-in, so, before we even discuss anymore of the actuality and the reality, who what might be taking the place here. Before we go there, I wanna talk about when it often happens. This takes place to what I’m gonna to tell you. It’s a beautiful story, and they are those in this room have experienced it. It is common to humans to go to an emergency situation, whether it is accident, a hospital, home, where they’ve had what is called: a near death experience. Even that is mislabeled. Your definition of death is very clear scientifically. Many have died several times on the operating table. That all comes together in what metaphysicians have called: NDE ( Near death experience). So, we call them and NDE. If you talk to someone who has had an NDE , there are very in stories. Interestingly enough! They are not always positive! It has to do with the consciousness of the one that has had the experience. Let us talk about those who have had the experience and have come out changed. What happens during a near death experience?

First of all, the idea that you’ve died is preposterous. You’veonly died clinically, you’d know if you were dead. But you come close, when there is even a beginning inkling of a shot down of systems that are vital for life. when you stop breathing, when your heart stops, when the systems that are supposed to function become an oxygenation, don’t have oxygen. All of these signal the brain. The brain, that something you don’t ever ever know, it has a program for this! When it starts to realise that death is eminent, I want to tell you something, All of you have a safety valve. It’s the consciousness of benevolence that comes over you to protect you from what you have told it’s the horror of the death, and it starts giving you some wonderful feelings of benevolence and light that you’ll never forget. It’s common almost to all of those who experience positive NDEs. They’re going to a tunnel perhaps who they will see the light perhaps, they will feel the love of God perhaps and they’re not afraid that all. And I’m telling you this is not accurate, I’m telling you are accurate. Your brain is programmed for the truth. And in those times where death seems to be eminent or could be eminent, the body doesn’t know the difference whether it’s dying or whether it’s gonna be saved in a moment. It starts to run the program, a benevolent love to let you feel the truth of it. The truth is that you will continue that is beautiful that there is no shot down dear ones, that is no horror story, that it’s going to be OK and it is. That is a truth that is hardwired to yourselves. Your heart, your brain, your pineal all working together to show it to you! So, you won’t be afraid. That’s the love of God! It’s a program. But what often happens dear ones, when you come out of that, you will change forever, because the program started to run and you didn’t die, you got a glimpse of the truth, and in that you come out of the operation, you come out of the near death experience, and suddenly it’s all different! Oh, boy! Is it different? And some of you, for some of you is so different what you have done, get ready , is to enhance your soul experience to the next level, or the next three levels, where isn’t now, you realise! Don’t you? Your soul isn’t 3D right now! And enhanced soul is one who is not in 3D who’s had an experience all talked about that in a moment that goes beyond anything you might ever have experience so for. You come out soul changed to see like another person. You go so beyond who you were that the everybody else, just say wouldn’t be done with my mother (smile).

Do you see what I’m saying? And did you receive the soul, specifically of another human being, and the answer is NO! that’s controversial. But you have to then identify what’s in yoursoul! Does your soul include potentially those families or those you’ve met in past lives would melted with your soul? The answer is YES! (smile). Your soul is not your own. It’s got family in it. That is controversial. Because you wanna look in the mirror and say: I’m own in my own soul and nobody is there but me. What about all the helpers in the guys you come with…. Where do you think do they live? On a ceiling? They live inside you! The entourage which we speak of is yours, is inside you. It comes with a territory, it comes with the soul, you just have to be in charge of that multidimensional thing you call the Merkaba for those times when you go to the other side of the veil, there is a combination, you go back to the family, there is no one name that you have ….. any others. There is name of Ohayaaaa. And you sing a song with light we talked about it. That’s complex! Back to the walk-in!

You know where else you see this? Advanced souls that is souls that have a huge awakening that yanks them out of an old energy, puts them into something that is brand new and multidimensional, looks completely and totally different. You see it every day! In the religions around you where somebody has an awakening to the love of God! It doesn’t matter what the religion is! Love is love! We have told you this before! Whatever the belief system would be, it comes to in a brand new and conclusion that I’ll tell you: did they have a walk-in? May I ask you ? because it looks like it. Did you ever interview them? And they say yesterday I was one person, today I am another. I would never do what I did before, because today I have the love of God. They may called scripture to you, nothing to do was a love they feel that is absolutely core truth love that they feel in their heart and they know they are different! They don’t account the days from their experience! That’s not any different than a walk-in, isn’t it?

What has just happened, is this: you didn’t get another person’s soul dear ones! You got your own soul and enhanced! Enhanced so far beyond who you were that it’s another creature. It (that soul) thinks differently. It asks differently. It’s not interested in the things that you were before the experience! Whether is the near death or whether it is simply a decision made in life about love! It often is accompanied by an event, because that event will then push the envelope and be a catalyst for what happens, and the case of Merilyn, it was an operation, and operation will do that quite often. You’re taken to a place that is not where you normally are, if you are sedated, if there is time where you change consciousness quite often, this is the time! When the soul says: Are you ready for the next step?

You’re not doing what you came for. And it’s some level you say: Oh, boy, I am. Let’s go! And you come out differently. I’m telling you something you should know. You’re not getting another person. You’re getting yourself enhanced. We’ve told you before. The prophets that walked around and some who still do and are able to change physics and emote benevolence that you want a seat on their feet. When they walk, flowers grow and animals follow them, this is a soul that is working in a very very high level! They can also be a soul, dear ones a life before working as the same level as the consciousness of the planet. In another words, that’s the choice you have, the only difference isn’t the degree as you watch the soul is fully activated from the love of God on the other side of the … do you hear that?

Where are you in all of this? Up to this point, a walk-in, very special, to so many, I’m going to tell you, they have been walk-in this room and you don’t know it. But can you point to a place where you had an experience of AHA. Where you went to sleep, one day and wake up another, because now you get it. Where you aloud or spoken away that say: spirit, I’m ready to go to the next step, and in that you’ve changed forever.

Let me tell you about something, of walk-in. you have free choice! You cannot go back to the lower soul! You cannot go backwards! If you try you will be in this function. But you cannot then regain older energy that only goes one way. It goes up. Merilyn talks about a reunification with the old soul! That is a linear idea. But what happened is real! What she was able to do was to recognize it was another step in the evolution of her soul she had the idea and the recognition that she could reunite even with the soul of lower energy and recaptured the good things would be there, the children, the memories, the birds. All of these things, that was an advancement. So was not a reunification with the old soul before a walk-in. it was an advancement of the she has now to a new higher level, to allow her to teach this, to understand this, to be able to reunite to who she used to be in a way that was mature and made sense and was balanced.

I don’t want this information to be received in a way that wouldbe disappointing. I want you to understand the magnificence of an evolution process of your soul! This is happening more often than you think!

Is the man who sits in front of you, a walk-in? if you wanted to look at the definition, you’d say it’s iffy! He went from one person to another what took him several years, but still did. Is that walk-in? and the answer is No. and yet if you look at his former life, there would be those who used to know him who would look at him know and say that at what point in time did you go insane? (smile) Because you have nothing like the man I knew what I work next to, or that was a college with. You are completely and totally different, some would say: well, that’s because a dark entity got a hold of you and shaped your life, because that’s what they thought happens.

Dear ones, I want to tell you the truth. The soul of the man you see in front of you gradually evolved into what you see now. Not a walk-in, but that’s exactly what happened to Merilyn only happened instantly. That is what is happened so many who have an AHA experience without a NDE or without an operation, because the energy of today is starting to support it.

When you start to awaken to a grander truth, and then if you’re confident and brave enough to say to spirit: I love you God, I trust you God, is this real. Then you stand by for validation, because that’s exactly what my partner did in a chair thirty years ago. As the engineer he wanted a validation, then he actually was true, and he got in in his God in a way that only he can tell.

That is the instant thing that is possible for every single one of you. Most don’t ask, most stay in their box, but the old souls of this planet are beginning to awaken to a bigger truth. One talks about the magnificence of the planet where you are on the earth and what is happening around you.

Years ago, I told you that the shift will bring out the dark side! It did! Instantly! I told you about the army that was coming together that had no borders for the first time! Armies always have borders! And the only thing this army was interested in, was frightening you! Was celebrating the dark! And they got bigger and bigger. They had a name, you know what it is. I also told you that they didn’t have a chance, because darkness is not ‘bad bright’! (smile). In other words, they’re not very enlightened with common sense. All they did was to stir up the planet against them.

Yesterday, they died, and you can read it on your news, it was the last bastion of this army was going to take over, the darkness in the planet, and changed everything. Their death, dear ones, is simply the death of an old paradigm! You see, they are still around.

New they are moved to the next step and become more elegant in their darkness. Watch for it!

Because the darkness will not give up. This has been the way of it for centuries, they’re not going away! But they are also not going to win! Because still they are not very bright! Every where they go, you’ll be able to point and say what’s going wrong with that? This is darkness, I can see it. It’s negative. It’s trying to enslave, it’s trying to control: it’s this, it’s that! Regular population, none old souls like, will see it for what it is. Because there is now, light is starting to happen on this planet that’s being received! And saying this is the way of it! This is the respect of it! This is the way it should have been, I like this! This is the direction I’m going! Mothers and fathers are seeing it in their children, where their children are actually showing them the way it could be. Social media is having something in planet is never seen where hundreds – if not thousands- talking to each other constantly across the barrier of culture in this country. All of these things dear ones is the beginning of light. I’ve given you these things before, your soul is starting to wake up! The walk-in is the result of a fast wake up for advanced soul, but it really is you, is not someone else! It’s the soul on ……. I knew Merilyn would like that. … enhances it.

You are truly magnificent dear ones, and all that you’ve been through Merilyn is magnificent and will continue, because the evolution of your soul is not finished. That’s all!

Listen carefully, because all of you have this: you have the ability to awaken to a grander truth simply by examination and sticking up your hand when you say: dear God, if it’s real show me! And you’ll be shown, this is the way that it works dear ones for so many. That’s the message you needed hear this day, this day, this day.

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