Thursday 19 September 2019

Lord Ashtar - 5D communication network

The organizational cores of controlling the NEW Earth are getting formed.

all star seeds wherever you are, be prepared to get connected with this great network to contribute with your speciality skills of any field.

Prepare the manifests of the new world according to your filed of skills ( additional note for readers from the channeler: fields of education, judiciary system, sports, art, medical science, psychological science etc) . All laws will be established in accordance to cosmic laws and love. the goal is to help the human society to blossom.

All you have as your specialities and skills embraced by light and spirituality, were already within you from before for this day.

You will creat small communication cores, and you will start to communicate with each other in 5D communication network to exchange information and to complete each other in different fields.

You will get prepared to receive teachings from the inner earth people, and cooperations from us who are yourselves indeed. We are you, traveled to past helping ourselves going through this transition and correcting ourselves in this path.

You are victorious.

Dear light pioneers, take your steps forward sturdier than ever.

You are protected with love.

Transmission from galactic federation of light
Lord Ashtar

Channeled by Tiona
18th sep 2019