Monday 7 October 2019

Commander Saha from Solar Portal

Transmission from solar portal

The surface resident people of earth, we have informed you before that the revealing light packages eventually will put pressure on reptilians and due to these pressures, they will soon uncover their real identity among you. this has already started. And this is the first step which first they introduce themselves using humanoid bodies.

I am Saha and they know me for a long time. And they know that we knew their end in invading the earth from the beginning.

In their first revelation attempts, they try to pretend that only few of them are accountable for current earth situation.

They pretend that you are their descendants. They pretend that we are debating and discussing with them about you and upgrading your DNA which is blocked by them. they try to enter from your heart portal to invade your energy and the connection portal to your higher dimensional self.

Brothers and sisters living on surface of earth, this is a big deception and reptilians are masters of deception. We understand their last efforts to stay on earth. Soon they will put away their humanoid bodies when they see that this attempt is disclosed as well. and then you will see their real identity.

They are trying to influence into your aura energy field by showing pictures from themselves. To gain energy by getting attention. don’t look at their pictures and eyes.

Ask the light masters to cleanse you from the effect of these pictures. Call upon us ( galactic federation of light forces and angels) to protect you “the children of god”

You are children of light not reptilians, although they try to make you accept this fake identity in your subconsciousness.

Say “NO” to it. firmly and strongly say “NO” in your heart to stop them from entering into your heart. They have understood that you have done this before and thus they are deprived from feasting from your energy. That is why they are trying to put on “kind masks” on their face.

Saha, commander of Solar Portal
7th oct 2019


  1. سلام وقت بخیر من مشکل کلیوی دارم و دیالیز میشم چطور می تونم به سلامت دست پیدا کنم

  2. چطور میتونم افرادی رو که خیلی کینه و نفرت در وجودشون هست رو کمک کنم. کسانیکه قفل ذهنی دارند و فکر میکنن که همیشه درست فکر میکنن و هرگز حرف کسی رو قبول ندارن؟

  3. Greeting to light galectic servant's
