Saturday 26 October 2019

Updates from Koa

We in the Medical Council are getting prepared for helping people of earth and your consciousness can be a determinant factor in such situation.

We urge you to practice as much as possible for communicating with us and to dedicate certain hours for this work. Because your connection with higher medical council can be a determinant to people’s health.

Be ready for stronger and faster communications.

Forget your abilities in healing others. it is enough to just call upon us and be the channel for sending energy. Use the capabilities that are given to you WRD people in critical situations, because you are the closest people to this council.

Be ready for the big change, and practice for communicating with us.

You are children of light, so act and bring the love and light to the earth.

I am Koa, representative of higher medical council of Sirian-Arcturian and I am eager to have more closer communication with you.

Channeled by Cyrus


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. درود و عشق بی پایان به شما.... من یک هیلر از سرزمین ایران هستم لطفا به من کمک کنید بتوانم سریعتر و بهتر التیام بدهم

  3. باسلام،باتشکرازفرمانده کوا،برای تماس باشمادرساعات معین ازکلمات خاص استفاده میکنیم؟
    واینکه تمام مدیتیشنهاودستورعملهاروبکاربردم اماچیزی بیادنمیارم لطفاجهت بیداری ام اقدامات لازمه راانجام دهیدودرمان رماتیسم وآرتریت روماتوئیدواینکه بتونم چهارزانوبشینم.سپاس بیکران.باامیدبیداری ساکنین مادرزمین ط

  4. برای تماس باشماازچه کلماتی استفاده کنیم؟

  5. ازفرمانده کوادرخواست درمان رماتیسم وآرتریت روماتوئیدرادارمباسپاس

  6. درمان آرتریت روماتوئیدورماتیسم خودم

  7. رمزگشایی کدهای DNA

  8. باسپاس بیکران🙏

  9. It is my will to know who/what you are. Where is your home? My father also wants to know it is his will to know. He would like to be contacted directly. He can channel. He is open to receive.

  10. It is my free will to know who/what you are. Where is your home? My father also wants to know it is his free will to know. He would like to be contacted directly. He can channel. He is open to receive.

  11. Я прошу Высший медицинский Совет Сириус -Арктурианский установить контакт со мной . Я несколько раз пыталась выполнять практики и никто не отозвался . Я просила исцеления себе я готова стать каналом исцеляющим других . У меня нет видения и не работает третий глаз поэтому я прошу активировать мне третий глаз для лучшего контакта . Дорогой Коа я прошу тебя меня услышать и выполнить мои просьбы . Помоги исцелить меня от глухоты . Я живу в стране Беларусь .
