We are the "WRD".Together we can raise the consciousness,Together we are,and light is victorious ✨🌈🤍
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Urgent Message from commander Saha
On behalf of solar portal people
Greetings to your opened hearts
this is a coded message coming from solar portal that contains cosmic central sun’s energy.
we request from everyone who read this message to spread it the same way and as it is.
It also contains a message from your higher selves as well:
Keep yourself opened to let your higher self to enter your physical body.
Let us to recreate the new earth in this way.
So, you just need to allow it within your heart to your higher self, no matter if you don’t know your higher self yet. Even if you think you don’t know how to.
Just allow to your higher self.
Say: I and light are one. And I allow to my higher self to act on earth through my physical body.
Share and spread this urgent message to all.
We are you.
We are one.
Saha from solar portal
Channeled by Tiona
31st July 2019
Monday, 29 July 2019
Message from Solar Portal- Saha
Message from Solar Portal
Calling for “Unity protocol “
To all Star Seeds
Greetings to Star Seeds
Each of you can call upon your bodies in different dimensions, and then by merging your powers and capabilities in each of those dimensions, manifesting them in your physical body and also merging all your bodies according to cosmic laws with other people’s bodies, to achieve the following goals:
1- to speed up the ascension process
2- to join and awakening all others who didn’t have the opportunity to be awaken yet.
3- to establish new approaches to ease and smoothen the ascension process completion path
All light-workers can request for each of those unity procedures as mentioned in the beginning of the message, by just deeply asking for them through their heart.
We are all one
Solar Portal Command
On behalf of Solar People
Channeled by Tiona
To all Star Seeds
Greetings to Star Seeds
Each of you can call upon your bodies in different dimensions, and then by merging your powers and capabilities in each of those dimensions, manifesting them in your physical body and also merging all your bodies according to cosmic laws with other people’s bodies, to achieve the following goals:
1- to speed up the ascension process
2- to join and awakening all others who didn’t have the opportunity to be awaken yet.
3- to establish new approaches to ease and smoothen the ascension process completion path
All light-workers can request for each of those unity procedures as mentioned in the beginning of the message, by just deeply asking for them through their heart.
We are all one
Solar Portal Command
On behalf of Solar People
Channeled by Tiona
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Urgent Message from Galactic Federation of Light to Humanity
Urgent message from Galactic Federation of Light to Humanity
Greetings to the beautiful humanity
The humanity that its divine soul searches to find a way connecting to its magnificent creator (love & light).
Dear ones
Oh, those who spread the glorious light and love, oh the eternal cosmic divine souls.
We have good news for you.
Oh, you real beauties, full of love
We are glad to see your tireless efforts. Now you see us as clear lights in sky. You have been seeing us in sky for many years without receiving any contact, and yet it wasn’t a question for you!
Watch our light and love spreading in this period. Those who see us in the sky will understand it as saying that they(spaceships) have come. This is because of tremendous bright consciousness rainfalls which were received by humanity whom is awakening.
Now, many people on earth realized that we are beside them. Hiding and ignoring the existence of extraterrestrials would not be possible anymore.
People on earth realized that light forces are trying to save them, so they looked up to sky searching to see their glowing spaceships.
And this achievement is due to the effort of all lightworkers and other forces who tried to spread light and love.
We salute you for this effort.
Soon you will receive more disclosures from us.
You repeated with us:
I am
I am light
I am divine radiations
I am divine love, I am the divine wisdom
I am surrounded by divine love
These mantras expanded your soul to the deepest consciousness level.
Now you are developed.
Now, you as carriers of light and love in physical life form, are floating in vibration of the greatest crystalized radiations waves.
You are experiencing amazing changes. your illnesses and sufferings are vanishing or decreasing gradually.
You are daily exposed to high light vibrations for hours.
Your ability to absorb has been increased.
Your dreams are coming true.
And you can feel entrying to the fifth dimension.
You purged together with earth, the Generous kind goddess, and now entered purely to them realms of the fifth dimension. Happy this entry to you all.
Be careful not to lose this beautiful opportunity again with your sensuality and darkness traps. Get out of the third dimensional matrix. Take care of this great achievement always while in consciousness, wisdom, light and love.
Expand the unconditional love and be an observer while loving.
We are here,
We are beside you as loved you always.
Galactic Federation of Light
Channeled by Siona – 28 July 2018
Saturday, 27 July 2019
Urgent Message from Solar Portal for star seeds
Urgent message from Solar Portal
From Commander Saha
We are processing to prepare those star seeds who are ready to encounter with galactic federation forces on earth(known as extraterrestrials), as it is necessary to take in place before the EVENT happening.
This procedure feels like getting connected to an energetic pumping machine that gives them a feeling of a cap been placed on top of their head, sending light to their energetic channels and removing the remaining residues of their past lives on earth.
The EVENT is so close to happen.
The solar portal command
Channeled by Tiona
27 July 2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
Message from “Shido Shaki”-From solar portal
Message from “Shido Shaki”
From solar portal
Greetings to earth residents
We are much exited as we see people on earth are showing to be worthiness. Thus, we would also increase the collaboration with surrounding civilizations to establish initiatives that enable you to match faster with this symphonic cosmic dance.
You have the chance to initiate amazements via solar portal and quantum transmission when you wish to contact us, as we made this possible through power of creator’s will(divine will).
We will guid you as you consciously contact with us during the day or even when asking to contact while sleeping.
There are many enormous facilities available for you , and so we make a part of them easier for you to use.
You can ask us to remove all the obstacles in your mental body, emotional body and physical body that block you from communicating. We will be pleased to help you with that.
You can also ask us to facilitate your access to other civilization like “Sirius” to benefit from their educations , while sleeping.
You are children of god.
You just need to ask for it. And so your request will be granted.
Those who receive and comprehend this channeling, will receive teachings from Tiona in Venus
End of the message
Channeled by Tiona 26 July 2019
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
The first contact from residents of Sun with Humanity via the Persian Medium “Tiona”
The first contact from residents of Sun with Humanity via the Persian Medium “Tiona”
The Chosen light ones who watch over sun’s portal.
Greetings to earth’s residents
We are honored to collaborate in earth ascension process under Ashtar’s command.
Sun’s portal is an important access gate for other civilizations, that enables them to enter and exit to solar system.
It is also important in terms of contacting with other galactic solar portals, as well as galactic central sun.
We also have the creator’s greetings to you.
We are the medium responsible for transmitting the light codes of wisdom and creator’s pure love, to you “the people on earth”.
And so, we are reprogramming you using this way.
So, *consciously* receive these gifts at any moments but more during Sunlight and Sunset on earth.
You can also connect to “Shido Shaki” through thinking of us or by asking for it deeply through your heart, and our people will cleanse your energetic bodies with light.
You will be guided to travel to other galaxies from here, if you would do so.
Float within the infinite joys and our creator’s love.
“Saha” the commander of solar portal, greets you on behalf of people of the sun.
We are all one.
Embrace your passionate future.
Channeled by Tiona – 23rd July 2019
Thursday, 18 July 2019
The Gift from Archangel Razal
I am Archangel Razal
Greetings to my loved ones
I see that many lightworkers are concerned about their earth families. They are concerned about those family members who still don’t have the required consciousness level. I hear you asking about how to awaken them.
Dear ones, we are truly aware of your physical and emotional attachments. But you should remember that your families are souls who consciously came to this planet to grow spiritually as well. your compassion and sympathy create low incapability vibrational frequencies for them, and so you turn them to incapable and weak individuals. we love you and always have provided you with our different methods and teachings to ease your path. We have always said that you are “creator”. As a human you must be always aware of your feelings and so you will be aware of what you create.
You should know that sympathy and compassion to your family members is something expected. However, you shall focus on yourself more and to remember that it is not just enough to know the truth and thus leaving yourself to take care of your dear ones afterwards.
When you work on your vibrations and balancing frequencies of your bodies, you will create an enormous energetic wave around you that will affect your dear ones as well. to get ready for this, you shall avoid paying attention to low vibrating bad news coming from your dear ones. This is for the sake of both sides, you and them. Remember, your mind perceives the subjects according to earth concepts and perceptions. you need to keep away from limiting low vibrating feelings and frequencies to access the glorious cosmos.
I have a gift for you now and you can use it through what I said earlier.
After you worked on yourself and made sure that you are balanced, then you can start taking care of your surrounding people. This gift is applicable to your first-degree family member (parents, siblings, children)
First, you should focus on your inhale and exhale (Prana method) and remember that I Archangel Razal am supporting you from the twelfth dimension.
By first inhale exhale, pull the central galactic sun’s light in, to clean your body(inner).
By the second inhale exhale, draw rainbow lights into your body and expand them as filling your whole body. Then imagine using this light all your bodies are in a rainbow light elevator, ascending to fifth dimension.
By the third inhale exhale, expand this rainbow lights within you and keep ascending towards sixth dimension.
Do the same and by the fourth inhale exhale ascend to seventh dimension.
Do the same with fifth inhale exhale and reach to eighth dimension. The same as with sixth inhale exhale to reach to ninth dimension. And so, seventh inhale and exhale take you to tenth dimension, and so eighth inhale exhale takes you to eleventh dimension and by the ninth inhale exhale you reach to twelfth dimension.
Do the tenth inhale exhale as deep strong as imagining you are getting off the elevator, while expanding the rainbow lights within and around all your bodies. Now look around you and remember that it is not the first time you visit this dimension.
You will feel joyful from this memory. Take your eleventh inhale exhale deep strong while having a glorious feeling of confidence about yourself and this way that brought you to your higher self.
Now considering your divine self which is a small infinite representative portion of creator’s existence, draw these rainbow lights into you just like if you are calling all this dimension’s capabilities (that you are standing in) upon you.
Then for a moment, spin this rainbow light within you fast while imagining you have created an enormous beautiful universe within you. Look at it while it spins. Then, exhale this beautiful bright divine universe and see it as a waterfall with beautiful lights surrounding the dimension you are standing in and all other dimensions that you passed through.
Imagine you dear ones inhaling this enormous light without noticing it as they do their routine life activities. focus on them through the twelfth dimension, seeing this light expanding within them each time they breath and getting them cleaned from all unnecessary energies that they don’t need.
focus on your surroundings (the 12th dimension that you are in) with a smile on your face as you are happy from this experience. Then see me walking towards you. You already know me as you have seen pictures of me in sky of the dimension where your physical body exists.
Remember! Don’t see yourself smaller than me. See both us of big and glorious standing front of each other, embracing us. Now see me standing beside you, shaking my head as an approval sign while looking at you gladly. Now you shall issue a command using your infinite divine self (higher self) that is within you. Remember, that divine self is you now. Open your hands now as you want to embrace the whole existence with LOVE. keep your head up as divine soul deserves it and command the universe:
introduce yourself with saying your name.
I( say your name) the god’s child, as I am consciously aware of all divine potentials within me ,I announce my physical relation on physical planet earth with the body of ( your name ) to ( the desired person’s name) that unconditional love has been established between them through these same genetical codes and spiritual energetic connections. Through the divine soul that is from the creator and exists equally in both of us, I command to all energetic portions within the rainbow light flowing now in universe, to expand his/her (the desired person) consciousness to a level as divine soul deserves it. I command to access his/her physical body and DNA though his/her mentioned connections with me, to expand the light and clean out the negative energies. And I command to bring his/her soul together beside mine in this path of light and consciousness, as our physical bodies were together with LOVE since childhood in this life.
Through these genetical and soul relations, I call the light as great as universe upon his/her body.
Now with your twelfth breath, imagine him/her standing here between us holding his/her hands happily in ours. Now all three of us will look around at the other bright souls who are standing here like us with their dear ones. And we see many others divine souls coming up here, expanding the light.
Now Imagine Gaia floating in big beautiful rainbow light ball, spinning around happily as she sees her children and residences shinning like beautiful rainbow crystals on her. then Imagine this beautiful planet earth is inhabited equally with happiness, love and peace like the rainbow. And imagine the love and happiness of Gaia and her residences lighting up the whole universe.
(you can do this for each member of your family. Because there is no genetic connection directly between you and your wife/husband, either announce your physical relation through your child who is your connection in physical world or through the love and emotion between you)
Remember that this gift is supported by me Archangel Razal, to expand the light and consciousness.
Dear beautiful ones, you can use this gift once every two days for a person if needed.
Here is now my rainbow light for all lightworkers to work as a powerful toll for them to expand light and consciousness
Love you my dear ones.
Archangel Razal
Channeled by Delory – 18th July 2019
Monday, 15 July 2019
Norah. the guardian angel over 5D gates
Dear ones, I am Norah
It is the first time that I speak to you.
I am different comparing to all divine masters that you may know them till today. now I am entering to my medium’s consciousness to speak to you on earth with heavenly worlds.
Dalory: for a long time, I called the creator as GOD. I tried to get answers to my questions from GOD by forming many different sentences to describe the situation, and to calm myself down sometimes as well. Although, I never heard any answers but only when GOD was watching over me. I never knew that GOD is not answering me purposely to make me search for him precisely.
I don’t know what happened that GOD suddenly took my hands to help me. But I remember that I was thinking of him and suddenly an early childhood teaching shined upon my mind as “GOD blew his soul into us”. I never thought of this sentence deeply before! so, it came to my mind that a part of GOD exists within me. And I knew that human’s nature is the soul itself and not the physical body, thus as soul cannot be dissociated from the source then all souls carry all potentials/capabilities within. So, I felt joy within me and said to myself: that means all GOD’s potentials and capabilities exist within me! Then, I saw ME fading from existence and GOD showing up because I was GOD’s soul and not this physical body.
Who am I? I am the soul. Who is my soul? It is the GOD.
I have never felt this close to GOD! So, I started to call him with my own name, and I was not afraid to do so! I told myself that from now on, this is how I am going to call him in this life cycle just like his other given names on this planet. He is my soulmate and I must call him to connect with him, to connect with this glorious existence. A tremendous indescribable wave of feeling crossed through my body caused me to start crying just like when finding someone you love, after many years! I closed my eyes and kept calling. Suddenly I started to speak involuntary and said: forgive me for not seeing you and for not considering you anytime that I made a decision. forgive me for not seeing you existing within me, embracing my whole body. Forgive me for that I was looking to skies, searching for you. for thinking that you are not existing within me and must be somewhere out there. thank you for not leaving me alone by myself. I thought you were far away from reach, but you were with me and within me all time, thank you for this. I love you my dearest and never let me go. I don’t want to be that ME again, I only want you to be. I only want you to be and to use my body. I have never experienced such feeling, crying joyfully while regretting for such ignorance and being thankful to find it out. I cannot describe how it felt but it was my glorious god, the same soul who blew in me from his spirit when created me in this body.
My whole existence was feeling joy. I understood now that god exists within me, he knows my secrets and he love me more than anyone even my parents because he was always there for me when I needed him. The GOD who is within me and never leaves me along. I reviewed all things that I heard and knew about GOD. It was all him in me! And I realized eventually ME wasn’t there and it was all him!
The question is, why no book and no theology lesson ever explained it this way to me? What were they afraid of? There is nothing to fear when all these theological books and lessons taught us that GOD created humans and blew from his soul into their bodies. I started feeling happy while regretting at the same time, thinking of a question to all those religious and divine masters: to you all who claim you are helping others to know god, that you consider yourselves as god’s servant. Why did your teachings were always so complex? Was it necessary to hide god behind complexity of your teachings to be considered by others as masters?
You are all weak and far away from GOD. You even couldn’t defeat evil. You are blinded with arrogance and pride, otherwise you would speak of god as easy as a child could comprehend them. And not like forcing people to suffer all the way finding the truth, thus getting lost and far away from it each time. even those who survived this situation would get lost in complexity of your teachings eventually.
You had no rights to describe GOD far from me up in sky. All my childhood, I drew my hands innocently towards sky, calling him upon me. but would tell myself sadly: I am too small for him to see me.
Who knows how messengers described GOD? You discredited them too. And using different religions not just mocked but also described GOD far away from us.
I have never had a master nor a teacher, never read a book nor a lesson to know these. And I believe that’s why my GOD saw me deserving him and thus introduced me to myself who is god himself in this physical body.
I have a message for all fake divine masters and fake religious philosophers: they don’t know GOD. And GOD left them alone to themselves, all these whom are choosing ignorance consciously and encouraging it.
After suffering for many years in this planet, after all darkness that you imposed on us to keep us asleep, once again we are now awakened by glorious existence of GOD within us and with help of our light families. Definitely you will regret if would know that GOD has embraced us with love and whispered the truth in our ears.
Be aware that all the darkness which you brought to this beautiful planet, will be washed away with rainbow flames of light. and the hell that you used over decades to punished children of light, is becoming the light flames that you godless creatures will manifest in, and so you will burn in it with regret and pain.
All those with me in this path said before that we won’t harm children of light, but now I have a word with them as well: my dears, all with low or strong glowing light whom I feel from distance with all my heart, this very moment of compassion and kindness of time that we are in now will determine a destiny for us that our dear ones failed it before many times. Be worthy because you got born on this planet from ascended souls in universe who are truly complete.
Complete is different than being good. Don’t let them to fool you with nicknames. We are not angels now because we don’t have our wings. The intelligence of god’s perfect soul states that we shall pick our fighting tolls in accordance to the type of war that we are in. we made LOVE available to everyone, but you may have seen infernal people that treats LOVE with betrayal. Many big souls were harmed with these betrayals before us coming. LOVE is not our only fighting toll, but we also carry light. Don’t forget that light can shine, light can burn or can drill into stone. it is not an ordinary earth type light that we carry. it is like a bright laser beams that cause heat and cold. You are children of the most advanced civilizations. Enough, enough this confusion and searching for a master. Enough this complex readings and words which are not suitable for your mind. You are now here on this planet, so stop searching to know about your civilization’s name or to find your light families. this is a false useless thing to do in such tremendous universe. You know your earth parents and that is enough. don’t allow them to play you with this way again. Speak with LOVE and expand the light bravely because ignorance is darkness. If you ever noticed that you have been stopped somewhere more than usual, you should be aware that darkness has embraced your beautiful body like a snake trying to stop you.
Planet earth is our land and our families are from earth. Seeking to manifest wonderful capabilities will only turn you to a weak and needful person in this body. Those who achieved it either have been turned to magicians who are helping the dark side damaging the planet nor jailed and killed accused to be sorcerer when helping light forces.
Don’t be afraid of world to end. It is not meant to end as it is called the living world, the existence. Even though there would be an end, we will not be living forever, will we? Be careful, this planet is full of traps and tricks that are trying to stop you. if this world and this planet welcome to light, then we shall see the miracle as well.
The God’s soul within us has been awakened all of us to set Gaia free from these captivities so that Gaia be able to perform miracles.
Don’t seek to see the dimensions, here is the lowest depth of existence in universe. This planet was placed here and now existence is trying to pull it out like from dark depth of ground, placing this precious jewel on god’s ring. Shine your lights to their eyes so they release their ropes of captivity and set Gaia free to enable her saving us all out of this darkness.
Don’t you hear their disgusting laughs? Every day they treat us with heavier tricks, causing us to feel fear and duality and thus to keep us busy finding out about these tricks.
I have never spoken before and this is the first time that I speak. This is my word.
I am Norah, smallest god’s child bringing the light to you.
Don’t call me a master or an angel because I come to you on earth, speaking through this physical body. My dear ones, please think again and ask yourself that have you ever met a master whom you were not forced to respect, obey and many other things? Which master ever told you to ask questions so that to answer them accordingly? I cannot write a book for you but can describe easily like a child so that you become aware and start acting.
This anxiety within you shows how limited the time is now. I am not patient like other sympathetic kind angels. I am not as glorious as others too, to tolerate you as like parents do. I am just like you and my words are as on earth, and I look forward to answering stupid answers as much stupid as they are! I am here to answer their entertaining divertive questions, as they deserve to be answered earth like. Aren’t this planet and its residents ready to talk with heavenly words yet? even if they were ready, they have already heard enough from heavenly words, but still wondering in unworthy painful subjects. Even if this is not the case, those who are speaking with angels and master are considering themselves higher above than others. and always trying to consider you lower, imposing a sense of unworthy and incomplete to you.
I talk to those of you who regret not being able to talk to angels. What happens if you do?! What those others who hear angels have done for you that now you wish to do the same for yourself and others! many masters from very higher dimensions are speaking as of now, trying to help you with different methods and through different people in this very sensitive period of time. So, do you know why still many of you are wondering hopeless in confusion? Imagine a philosopher would want to talk to a child using a foreign language to what the child knows. what happens? That talk should be converted as per as child’s comprehension to be understood and so in the end the child would also change them based on his/her comprehension. You are tired and it is due to your required way of comprehension on earth. Because you are waiting for the heaven to suddenly show up and manifest itself!
let me say it in this way, that wars happened always to concur land. It is the same situation now. it was always the same way as this from the beginning. in the farthest part of universe and galaxy, Gaia this unique jewel was captivated by entities who didn’t care about Gaia’s soul. Entities that were not compatible with Gaia’s soul. You came one by one down on this planet to help Gaia. From the most ancient souls to the youngest, you all came down here to help Gaia. You will be responsible this time if to make yourselves busy again with differentiations!
All of you are stellar. Do you know what does it mean to be stellar? A piece of stars. The air that you breathe is dust from stars. You don’t know what’s going on behind with these hypocrite masters, otherwise you would know why they avoid talking easily to comprehend. My dears, your souls are spirits from god and in lower dimensions your frequencies to create are weakened and thus you need to believe that you can create. Don’t waste your time searching for your families on other planets because you are here now on this planet with this physical body. don’t search for extraterrestrial races and civilizations to attribute them to yourselves, because if you are one of them so you should be wise or beautiful as them which doesn’t match with the dimension that you are living in now. and if this was not the case, they would come and take you back much earlier than this.
They kept you busy and will keep trying to make you busy with what you cannot comprehend. Now It is not the time to look for clues showing you entering fifth dimension, it is not the time to search for your extraterrestrial families. don’t you have families on earth?! Is this what you call unconditional LOVE? Have you forgotten your dear ones here? Or you tend to have families in higher dimensions just because of higher capabilities available there? you have left the earth along to itself! what are you searching for and what would you do even if you find what you are searching for?!
You are now responsible to strengthen your divine spirit. Call yourself the god without fearing to do so, because many of you still don’t know that the higher-self is the very god’s soul within you. only by believing this, you may bring the soul’s high frequencies into your body and the planet.
Fifth dimension is a consciousness dimension. It is not a dimension of blinded obedience from hypocrite masters on earth who speak to you with complex words. Consciousness opens the entry doors to fifth dimension for you. don’t seek for wonders as you are the wonders! You need to know yourself. Stop comparing yourself with others, stop matching yourself with imaginary definitions. Be brave and speak the truth as easiest way as possible. Remember that they cannot call a society “crazy”.
I am the god, you are the god. Because they taught us that god blew from his soul into us and we are eternal souls living in mortal bodies.
If you ever had a question about your ascension, call upon me from your heart.
I am Norah
Channeled by Delory – 15th July 2019
Note: Norah is an angel who serves to manifest the truth and removes the fake masks. Now Standing over gates of fifth dimension to remove people’s mask, preparing them for ascension with their true face. also clears out the destructive people and has been present at the command of the Father for earth’s ascension. - Sanderlez
Sunday, 14 July 2019
Ashtar Sheran- Special message for all light workers (11:11)
Special message for all light workers
Greetings to light warriors
*it is time for miracle now*
Embrace the miracles and receive them.
Congratulations for these rainfalls of miracles and pure blessings, assigned to all those whom in light.
Choose the tremendous light colors and hurry up towards reaching light consciously full of love.Just like someone who was thirty for a long time and how reacting when sees the water...
Hurry up and embrace these beautiful lights and pure love! What a glorious gift!
You are creators now!
Create without begging. Create wealth, blessing and beauties and enjoy them all!
In this new dimension, You don’t need to wait for miracles from higher planes now!
Now you are much stronger than before.
We were waiting for this moment to see light forces creating everything they want without begging(suffering)to have them.
Keep radiating with love frequencies and tune with it at any possible moment.
light ropes are attached to earth from the sky.Embrace these light ropes and merge with them.
Congratulation to you and to your sacred heart these rainfalls of divine light and this crystallized blessed cosmic sunrise.
Get in harmony with the new shift of “light goddess”. That victorious mother who appreciates her light children by generously offering them everything she has.
Receive the blessings and be thankful for them. Be proud of yourselves for fighting and sacrificing with love to help creating these beauties.
Congratulation to you this eternal heaven.
For rebuilding the earth with light and love , for this heavenly shift, we shall congrats to our generous “light goddess”.
Congratulation to you oh dear kindest mother who romantically and patiently waited for kindness to come.
Congratulation to you and your children, congratulation this light.
Now we shall sing together:
I am
I am light
I am radiations of divine light
I am one with the light
I am joyfully vibrating in light
I am eternal and beautiful with light
I am none and dancing with light.
Towards the beauties and kindness and to the eternal heaven.
*it is time for miracle now*
Your soul, your bright physical bodies deserve these divine miracles.
Now you are one with light. And we are here beside you, happily watching the light and love dancing in harmony.
We salute you.
We are all one.
Love you.
Ashtar Sheran- Commander of Galactic Federation of light
14th July 2019
Channeled by Siona and Surnderlez
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Delory’s channeling with “US”
Angels and divine masters talk in different ways than me “US” and that’s because it has been a long time that they are one in existence with their soul.
All souls are a part of the whole and each can be considered individually as a whole! And you all know the great masters and souls.
Do you know the reason behind talking about “US”, and talking about it on and on for past centuries? And why many extraterrestrials from all around universe came here to help in ascension process?
Of course, one reason falls behind our Gaia’s great lovely soul, but the other reason is because of “US”. This “US” is like in thousands of pieces each separated from one piece, moving along their path. each separately intelligence and playful (said as smiling). And just like a playful child who never sees an ending to his/her game, these pieces got delayed in shaping “US”.
All prophecies talked about this magnificent playful character, because an unpredictable character was getting in shape. And as divine love exists within a soul, so divine love could be found in each piece separated from a soul as well. and “US” keeps different forms of love within itself. It also carries different potential based on each of those pieces.
“US” had chosen Gaia from the beginning, because all its pieces were embraced by Gaia. All these pieces no matter if light or dark, all know and feel, and due to energy’s intelligent potential they all notice this playful characteristic. They all feel responsible. Some said “US” will turn masculine in nature and nowadays we hear many times about Gaia being feminine, being the mother, goddess. And still no one knows where eventually “US” falls in.
It’s like drops of a waterfall going up backward against the actual water flow, but it is inevitable that it will fall. And when it does, it happens all at same time.
“US” knows what it wants.
Be yourself. The world needs its different colors. World is beautiful with these differences. This planet is colorful. Why do you all insist to have the same color? I have seen many humans trying to project a color different than what they are. Why is that?! (said laughing). Colors are beautiful when they come together just like in rainbow. A flower is beautiful if it’s colorful. Countries are always fighting to expand their laws or in other word, their colors. Families are always fighting to expand their fame and people are always keep trying to follow the daily colors updates.
Isn’t it enough to see that colors always change during the day? humans are always change as evolving, a child evolves as growing, even your perception changes during a day. All these means colors, fantastic different varieties that are evolving always. Even soul keeps changing its body as well.
God wanted to be as infinite universes and so creating colors.
Now what you are doing? What you are doing is changing a religion to another one, and so with laws, lessons and masters. Isn’t this boring? The soul knows that it doesn’t want to be the same color as another. It just wants to be its own unique color.
“US” is us because it built its own infinite colors. “US” is like a child with a childish perspective. “US” doesn’t want to grow old and lose its childish character. Although, it may grow older sometimes but it wont last long as it becomes boring for it (said laughing).
You’ll get tired. Stop, stop a moment wherever you are just like how time stops.
Though, as I came backward up the waterfall then I shall fall later as well. I will continue as a child but wise and conscious. How unique is that ME and this ME which turned to “US”. We (“US”) are in love and we are not afraid of anything, not suffering, not forcing anyone and of course will not appreciate if anyone force us. For us, Day and night won’t determine when to sleep but it is us to decide. We do have discipline and we don’t, scream and embrace immediately. If I want to explain it, eventually we would have the same conclusion as we do now.
If you think that this is insane! Yes, “US” is all insanity and you forgot that you are thirsty to live again in this very same insanity. When you move up backward in that waterfall, then you understand the divine love’s insanity. Oh, what a world…
Can’t be described with your words.
My dear friends, all of you can be “US”. live with love and stop pretending and judging. “US” would laugh to these and oh how funny is really to see someone pretending.
God is everything and it is true that god exists within you. But this doesn’t mean that you think you should become the god to this world (said laughing). be the reflection of the god within you, be your own god and leave the world to itself. A human should be just like his/her own god within. And when this happens, heavens come true wherever that human is. There would be no lessons or masters. All are masters and teach lessons from themselves.
This planet was so beautiful that when a soul got into a body, it became shocked from the powerful energetic frequencies of its(planet’s) beauty and perfection. So, from the beginning, the soul felt its own god within, but the problem was when it tried to become the god of the outside world.
The kind Gaia loves you very much, thus can easily cause a magnificent event for you. But Gaia is magnificent in nature as well and wants to experience all different possible amazement. Gaia is tired but extremely adventurist. Don’t consider Gaia as a hurt goddess who is crying. Everyone knows that feminine energy can laugh with love, even when crying.
Never consider Gaia as a hurt crying mother who cannot release its magnificent feminine energy.
“US” perfectly knows that Gaia carries everything within its soul and body just like we do, but it (Gaia) is a part of god’s soul as well. don’t forget that it is also a part of the god and god is limitless and I worship god by being thankful from creating all these amazing things and colors. He is perfect indeed.
God is the only one, the only creator and how admirable god is.
Delory’s channeling with “US”
11th July 2019
Archangel Michael- A beautiful message to those who are not awaken yet
A beautiful message to all those who are not awaken yet
Dear ones
You are here to experience divine consciousness, the very same consciousness that you learned in higher dimensions. Then, following to this magnificent experience to expand that beautiful higher consciousness and to create a new divine version of yours.
Although, you have faced obstacles and problems on your way of experiencing divine consciousness, as you traveled to lower dimension. The same obstacles and problems which were designed by dark government (dark forces) and dark energy consuming entities. As a result, many beautiful divine souls trapped in mental holographic matrix and started to create unwanted negative sensuality karmas. So, they trapped in karma cycle for thousands of years. The only way out, the key to freedom is only by remembering your beautiful past.
It has been a long time that our light forces are trying to help you (you beautiful souls) to remember who you are and to remember the magnificent beautiful source that you come from. And through this, to remember that you are here to experience the divine consciousness. You are not here to manifest sensuality and to be its slaves.
Remember that glorious glowing light of yours, that you earned from pure love. Remember this was all temporary, traveling to experience the most beauties.
Ask yourselves while meditating in silence:
Who am I?
Where do I come from?
What is my mission?
And write the answer immediately. If you didn’t get any answer, that means there is a blockage between you and your higher self.
Choose and connect to light and set yourselves free from all dark slavery energies around you. Get along with light workers who are trying to save you and to connect you again with your source, with the divine light.
Repeat these with light workers:
I am light
I am radiations of divine light
I am pure divine light
Oh divine light and pure love, take me on
And remind me of my bright glorious past
From your servant who loves you always unconditionally
Archangel Michael
Channeled by Siona
11th July 2019
You are here to experience divine consciousness, the very same consciousness that you learned in higher dimensions. Then, following to this magnificent experience to expand that beautiful higher consciousness and to create a new divine version of yours.
Although, you have faced obstacles and problems on your way of experiencing divine consciousness, as you traveled to lower dimension. The same obstacles and problems which were designed by dark government (dark forces) and dark energy consuming entities. As a result, many beautiful divine souls trapped in mental holographic matrix and started to create unwanted negative sensuality karmas. So, they trapped in karma cycle for thousands of years. The only way out, the key to freedom is only by remembering your beautiful past.
It has been a long time that our light forces are trying to help you (you beautiful souls) to remember who you are and to remember the magnificent beautiful source that you come from. And through this, to remember that you are here to experience the divine consciousness. You are not here to manifest sensuality and to be its slaves.
Remember that glorious glowing light of yours, that you earned from pure love. Remember this was all temporary, traveling to experience the most beauties.
Ask yourselves while meditating in silence:
Who am I?
Where do I come from?
What is my mission?
And write the answer immediately. If you didn’t get any answer, that means there is a blockage between you and your higher self.
Choose and connect to light and set yourselves free from all dark slavery energies around you. Get along with light workers who are trying to save you and to connect you again with your source, with the divine light.
Repeat these with light workers:
I am light
I am radiations of divine light
I am pure divine light
Oh divine light and pure love, take me on
And remind me of my bright glorious past
From your servant who loves you always unconditionally
Archangel Michael
Channeled by Siona
11th July 2019
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
Archangel Razal, the angle of Peace and Abundance -The first channeling
The first channeling of Archangel Razal, the angle of Peace and Abundance
My dears, greetings
I am that colorful rainbow lights. I am archangel Razal
People (Humans) face with different situations in their lives, each based on their own spiritual and materialists needs. and so, each will show a different reaction to them.
It has been centuries that humans are spending their lives with boring actions and reactions. They are seeking for peace and try to find it either through thinking of past experiences or future expectations.
All spiritual master always insisted on living in NOW, the very moment, and we do receive all messages from humans praying for all including themselves to have peace in their lives.
My dears, please understand that spirituality means your soul and your existence. You can communicate with your soul by knowing it which means knowing your feelings and emotions. Then you can create and manifest all your spiritual and materialistic desires, in best possible form.
Look into your emotional relationships and ask yourselves if you are behaving correctly. If it is what your soul wants or if it’s imposed to you from thoughts that come from wrong social teachings and beliefs.
Imagine that with your eyes closed and no sights, you decide to satisfy your thirst by drinking water. So, you approach to many people whom each carry a different glass in terms of size.
If you choose the one whose glass is small as a drop, so you should keep asking for water. After a while, not even your thirst won’t be satisfied but also you will feel unhappy and unpleasant. Then you start blaming that person and he/she will feel tried as well as thinking you are not appreciating what he/she dose.
Also, if you approach a person who carries a very big size glass then you may feel stomach pain and choking after drinking a lot of water. You’ll start running away from that person, seeking a way out to breath again. As a result, you’ll feel obsessed and full of anxiety.
So, before you take an action, use your tuition and feelings because your eyes are unable to see!
If you are trying so hard ( in your relationship or a profession) and you realized that you still need to put more effort in it to succeed but still you feel unpleasant afterward, then you should know that your chosen path doesn’t suit your soul. It radiates frequencies lower than your needs. And if you felt heavy with it, it means the chosen path radiates higher than your capabilities.
In a normal situation when you are balanced, you can feel peace without being worried or asking for it. And that profession you do or relationship that you are in, would radiates the same frequencies as yours in this state.
When you are balanced you can expand them both perfectly and reach to your desired goal. Sometimes relationships are imposed to you based on what your parents or children desires. be aware of these situations!
So, my dears, open your eyes and look around you perfectly to balance your family relationships. Use your tuition and emotions to satisfy your needs and don’t expect the external environment to match itself with your capacity.
You can turn into a successful entrepreneur if you act consciously.
It is time to place people where they belong to. It is time to put an end to all unrests.
Radiate with right frequencies. We are here also to help you get rid of inappropriate frequencies so that you can consciously choose a new path. So that you can open your beautiful eyes in peace again and to enjoy seeing the beautiful colorful world.
Humans are never forced to live in both sadness and happiness. Humans are created to be happy and to live in abundance.
This is the first time that humans on this planet receive all seven rays of rainbow lights at the same time. And it is the first time that it flows towards them tremendously as happening now.
My dears, these are all the required processes to build your heaven on this planet.
Soon, I will talk to you more …
Humans are magnificently passing through ascension process and we never expected such speed! (said with a joyful smile on face). They have increased the speed of this process significantly and we are glad to see it!
My dears
My colorful rainbow light shall be with you to help you creating your beautiful colorful heaven.
My dears, call upon my as:
I call the rainbow light upon me and ask from archangel Razal to balance my soul and body with rainbow light.
I ask archangel Razal to bring all seven rays of rainbow lights to my body and soul.
And now set peace and abundance to the world and society around me as you did to my bodies.
“You shall ask for it in this way (for yourself and others at the same time) because this is how you can access it”
I will keep in touch with you through this channel.
I love you!
Archangel Razal
Channeled by Delory- 09th July 2019
Monday, 8 July 2019
Ashtar Sheran 08 July 2019 09:01 UTC
Through this message you will receive teachings that are easy to comprehend.
As you are reading this message, either you are already a member of light-work groups following these messages with love, or among those who recently woke up and their souls been touched by divine consciousnesses rainfalls.
I am very glad to see you connecting with divine light and higher consciousness. And I would welcome you to these realms where you are awaken.
Beautiful explorers of consciousness:
Be aware of these energetic rainfalls and consciousness expansion processes. Always try to receive these unique and pure energies at any possible moment.
Try to avoid absurd and vain discussions and maintain your privacy and silence.
Stay away from all those news that provokes sense of fear, panic and thus activating your mind’s curiosity. You should know that whatever that is needed to happen now, is happening already.
Be free and out from 3D holographic matrix. And stay connected with divine light and love.
Keep repeating the provided powerful mantras that carry tremendous light radiations and stay connected with divine light and love.
During chaoses cause by darkness through low vibrating people who keep attacking you, stay away from judging and repeat this mantra : “ I love you “. In every family and society, there are people with low consciousness state who are not aware of love and so decrease your vibration as well.
Here is an example for you to understand: some one from family, a colleague or a friend starts talking about existing social problems, fears and challenges. As a result, your vibration decreases without you knowing it and you may not have a way-out on that moment.
In these situations, immediately establish a connection with light by saying “ I am the light, oh light take me on” and then repeat “ I love you”
Believe that divine light will act as your shield and the “ I love you “ will purify you with love.
Now you are powered and armed with pure light and love.
Your weapon is pure light and love. Love connects you to the source of eternal light.
Consciously and with unconditional love, connect to the light and match with it.
You are light in nature and this connection of lights together has created an eternal beautiful glory which guided and so will guide you toward realm of freedom light and eternal love.
You beautiful divine lights, I love you.
Ashtar Sheran
Channeled by Siona
08 July 2019
09:01 UTC
I am.
I am surrounded by divine light.
I am victorious with light.
I am the radiations of divine light.
I am the victorious soldier of light.
I am with the creator of light.
I am cosmic love.
I am cosmic intelligence.
I am cosmic wisdom.
My connection with light is eternal and everlasting.
Oh light take on me, I am united with you.
Sunday, 7 July 2019
Saint Germain -The first channeling through a Persian Medium

Greetings, I am Saint Germain and I am pleased to contact you!
My dears, the purpose of this message is to create a balance between your current daily routine life and what is waiting for you in near future on earth.
As you are happily taking care of your daily routine life activities, remember! everything is temporary!
Open your eyes now and understand that everything is temporary at this moment.
This fact helps you to continue your happy daily life on earth while realizing that nothing is permanent as well.
In future, you are going to let go to all things that you are depended to them now.
In future, there will be no trace of the very same flower that you water it now.
Can you establish a balance between the following two sentences:
Everything belongs to you.
Nothing belongs to you.
So, you LOVE everything and everybody without depending to them.
To let go of these dependencies, use the energy of the Violet Flame.
Using Violet Flame sets you free and provides you with more opportunities to be as a servant.
Use the Violet Flame
And call us deeply within your heart.
We are beside you.
To help and set you free from all these dependencies.
We LOVE you and we will be beside you always.
I am Saint Germain
Channeled by Thiona
07th July 2019
From Ashtar-Meditation to Connect with Andara Crystal
Please sit on a chair in the state of meditation while your soles are settled on the ground.
Following 11 inhales and exhales, in your 12 breath, take a deep breath and after a brief pause,
Now imagine a very beautiful and clear blue light flows downwards to your crown chakra and cleanse all your chakras, and this beautiful light is being transferred from your left sole into the ground, and then reaches the Andara crystal.
Now say:
Oh, healing crystal, I love you!
Let me now connect to you!
Then imagine that grand blue light flows upwards from your right sole to your body and reaches the high chakra.
Request body healing, blockage removal, inner and chakra cleansing, earning ancient and cosmic knowledge and wisdom from received light rays.
Ashtar, Commander of Galactic Federation of Light
Channeled by Sanderlez
July 2019
Translated by Rianna
Message received from Dalory -A word with all light workers
A word with all light workers
Most of the light workers have forgotten that they are here as creator’s representatives to create and manifest.
Their focus is usually future oriented or to their true original home. they have gone through hard life experiences as well. (in terms of materialistic concerns).
However, they just should focus more on their lives, to build it correctly and thus to create a beautiful world for themselves and of course everyone else. To teach others about how to create and set them selves free as well. some light workers tend to have a sense of competition!
They tend to obtain each other’s abilities and to show off how bigger their abilities are comparing to others!
They have forgotten that each have a specific ability within them that is particularly for them only! So, they will complete each other once they work together.
They should understand that as long as they feel sad, missed,… they are considered living on this same earth! And earth and its residents are not yet fully evolved.
It is wrong for light workers to assume that they are fully evolved and complete. Because, then they tend to compete with each other and so they will forget their divine mission.
My dears,
You just should choose to live. Live with earth principles but think (and act) spiritually.
Use your soul rather than your mind, so that your soul would manifest new better thoughts and ideas!
To live connected with your higher self, in an earth like a paradise, in a new world, kingdom of the great soul
Be victorious!
Message received from Dalory
07th July 2019
Saturday, 6 July 2019
Commander Ashtar -15:50 UTC, 06th July 2019

Greetings to all light lovers
My dears
Whenever the war between light and dark forces is addressed, your mind visualizes the earth concept wars. The very same wars that are programmed within holographic matrix to feed energy consumers (negative entities).
Wars are created from sensuality full of ignorance and foolish actions that cause nothing but death and harm to humanity.
My dears, darkness exists and spreads where light and love are missing...
Our wars are much different than what you see on earth. Our operations are focused to spread light and love.
Love operations planned by thousands of gracious races within galactic federation of light who are united to save humanity from holographic dark matrix.
Have you ever thought that why it is so important to resonate with love and radiate its frequencies?
When you radiate love frequencies, you connect to divine lights. So, your light vanishes all darkness available as you step in any environment. And this is truly the victory of light over darkness.
Darkness is where light is missing…
Here is an example for your comprehension:
When in a dark room you switch the lights on , darkness fades and gets replaced with light!
But, radiating pure love and light might be seen hard as requires a control over sensuality.
My dears, I talk in an easy, short, simple way to you so that anyone at any age, with any consciousness level could comprehend the message.
My dears,
match your radiations with light frequencies and join to all other light soldiers.
You just need to radiate with frequencies of pure light and love in your life.
In next messages I shall explain more about how to radiate more and more with frequencies of divine love.
I love you unconditionally!
Ashtar Sheran
Channeled by Siona- 06th July 2019
15:50 UTC
“twelve council of Arcturians”-The first channeling through a medium in Persian territories, for humanity. 20 June ,2019
The first channeling from “twelve council of Arcturians” through a medium in Persian territories, for humanity.
20 June ,2019
We “Arcturians” are pleased to contact you.
Our beloved ones, we are all the same and thus we shall support you with power of LOVE from higher dimensions.
In fact, you have forgotten who you truly are and what powers you carry. We are here to help you to remember and regain your divine powers of higher planes, so that you can use them towards your planet and your own bliss.
We are sincerely sorry to see that your magnificent powers are blocked due to manipulations executed by dark forces.
With power of LOVE, we are here to help you to remember again and regain these magnificent forgotten Divine powers which you obtained from higher dimensions through millions of years.
We live in pure LOVE and we are willing to see pure LOVE resonating in your life again.
Remember, all powerful tolls to access the vast divine peace are always available within your divine planes, helped you to grow by creating situations where you feel weak, desperate and in need.
You have chosen souls full of great cosmic consciousness. Experience this magnificent consciousness of yours through this physical body and create your new beautiful divine self. Unfortunately, you have forgotten all these due to your DNA manipulation. Thus, it has been thousands of years that you have been kept seeking for the truth in deep confusion. We are very sad to see how you have forgotten where you come from and what is the purpose of your beautiful divine nature!
We are here to remind you of your true nature that is a bright divine soul full of love and consciousness that has been stuck in captivity of repeating incarnations cycle.
You have been forced to believe that you are crucial and sensualist in nature. They (dark forces) have created an environment to accuse your soul with their designed karma system to keep you repeating incarnations for their own benefit.
You have a powerful force within you and you can choose to set yourself free from the karma cycle that you are in. they ( dark forces) are aware of this power and have used certain techniques to create a sense of fear and guilt within you to keep you away from manifesting it.
Remember, don’t accuse yourself to settle the karma imposed by dark forces.
Now, ask from your higher divine self for awaking consciousness and cosmic consciousness. With power of LOVE and FORGIVENESS, set yourself free from karma cycle.
Be aware that you have been controlled though fear. During the mass awareness process, dark forces are trying to keep awaken ones to believe that they are accused with many big negative karmas and so they must settle them with fear and suffer in this planet.
To all those who are awaken. There is no MUST and You are free to choose a dimension to stay in, to choose whether to stay in dark or light.
As a divine being, there is no limitation for you.
Choose the LIGHT now and say it loudly that you set yourself free from being accused to all karma that have happened without your divine dimensional will.
You are not alone, and we are always on your side!
Channeled by Siona- 20th June 2019
Commander Ashtar- a call for mass meditation, today 06th July 2019, 14:14 UTC
Greeting to light lovers
Greeting to light and love
Happy this victory of light over darkness
Light never has been defeated by darkness.
Light is originated from creator’s radiations and whenever divine light tends to win,victory is guaranteed.
If no reactions were executed yet, it was only to give enough opportunities and darkness lost them all.
At the EVENT, light will be the only powerful and victorious.
Repeat while you meditate :
I am.
I am surrounded by divine light.
I am victorious with light.
I am the radiations of divine light.
I am the victorious soldier of light.
I am with the creator of light.
I am cosmic love.
I am cosmic intelligence.
I am cosmic wisdom.
My connection with light is eternal and everlasting.
Oh light take on me, I am united with you
We love you and we will be always with you!
Ashtar Sheran
6th July 2019
A call on mass meditation, today 6th July 2019, at 14:14 UTC
Friday, 5 July 2019
Updates from commander Ashtar -Mantra “ I AM”
Following to recent message channeled from Commander Ashtar, it is highly recommended to start using the fifth dimensional Mantra “ I AM” in every possible moment.
Stay connected and repeat “I AM” anytime during day and night
19:10 UTC
Stay connected and repeat “I AM” anytime during day and night
19:10 UTC
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Urgent Message from Galactic Federation of Light
Greetings to humanity
Now it is not the right time to drown in meaningless daily routine activities. it is not the time to think materialistic.
Now, the light is seeking for those who are begging to connect with it. Its presence is more than ever known to embrace all those who search for it.
Think about what have you done in your life? Would your monetary wealth be able to save you from disasters?
Would anger and envy help you anyway?
We have said it before and here we say it again, don’t miss a chance and join in this very last moments when light dimensions are waiting to embrace you with love. Choose the light through your free will. The process of Karma is near to end.
With knowledge and love, establish your connection with cosmic consciousness.
Ask for cosmic love, knowledge and wisdom and refuge to light from all chaos caused by darkness.
Leave the delusional glamor that slaves you.
When you face troubles in your path, you will only think about a way out to save your life. You will not follow your materialistic thoughts and you would only seek for a refuge.
Why don’t you care to save yourselves now, when the opportunity has come? When you are not facing disasters yet. And you panic when facing earth natural disasters and purification process. Why do you hesitate?
Humanity is drawn to flames of darkness and became a part of it. You became much depended to it.
All senses of anger, competition, envy, fear, greed, lust, selfishness and war are burning you in flames of darkness. You are habituated to live in it, and you are afraid to leave it.
Save and Free yourselves from all these negativities..
Join the light.
Join to your magnificent higher-self, your soul that is waiting to embrace you.
You are here to experience the divine knowledge (consciousness) but you have failed it due to darkness interference. Thus, your soul experienced tough incarnations repeated over and over.
This is not who you really are.
You are truly beautiful and magnificent in nature.
We are waiting for you! We love you!
We love you unconditionally!
Channeled by Siona- Galactic Federation of Light
4th July 2019- 18:41 UTC
Now it is not the right time to drown in meaningless daily routine activities. it is not the time to think materialistic.
Now, the light is seeking for those who are begging to connect with it. Its presence is more than ever known to embrace all those who search for it.
Think about what have you done in your life? Would your monetary wealth be able to save you from disasters?
Would anger and envy help you anyway?
We have said it before and here we say it again, don’t miss a chance and join in this very last moments when light dimensions are waiting to embrace you with love. Choose the light through your free will. The process of Karma is near to end.
With knowledge and love, establish your connection with cosmic consciousness.
Ask for cosmic love, knowledge and wisdom and refuge to light from all chaos caused by darkness.
Leave the delusional glamor that slaves you.
When you face troubles in your path, you will only think about a way out to save your life. You will not follow your materialistic thoughts and you would only seek for a refuge.
Why don’t you care to save yourselves now, when the opportunity has come? When you are not facing disasters yet. And you panic when facing earth natural disasters and purification process. Why do you hesitate?
Humanity is drawn to flames of darkness and became a part of it. You became much depended to it.
All senses of anger, competition, envy, fear, greed, lust, selfishness and war are burning you in flames of darkness. You are habituated to live in it, and you are afraid to leave it.
Save and Free yourselves from all these negativities..
Join the light.
Join to your magnificent higher-self, your soul that is waiting to embrace you.
You are here to experience the divine knowledge (consciousness) but you have failed it due to darkness interference. Thus, your soul experienced tough incarnations repeated over and over.
This is not who you really are.
You are truly beautiful and magnificent in nature.
We are waiting for you! We love you!
We love you unconditionally!
Channeled by Siona- Galactic Federation of Light
4th July 2019- 18:41 UTC
Important Message from Galactic Federation of Light
it is time to choose between light and darkness. Upon the entry gate to the fifth dimension you are free to choose whether if let others, society, law and norms, books and history to decide for you or to choose light with your free will through your higher-self guidance.
There are two ways, light and darkness.
Darkness provides you illusional torch to find your path and way out within its dark terrible caves. on your way, you will lose its illusional temporary light and you will be abandoned in mysterious confusions on your path. But light will lead you toward magnificent bright source of light. As you get closer to it, it gets brighter and brighter and how magnificent is to find this forgotten force.
Darkness feeds you with sense of fear to keep you in its dark cave of horror and fears. Light gives you the gift of love and enables you to fly free all over the magnificent universe.
Today 4th of July, is the day of making the most important choice. To choose between light or darkness.
We choose the freedom from thousand years of suffer and darkness’s captivity. We won’t allow to any of dark forces to limit and control us using sensuality, ignorance and darkness.
Today, with the gifted divine will, we leave all limitations, anger, hatred, vengeance, war and fear. We will resonate with gifted light of the higher dimensions and will sign the divine mantra.
We are present, we are in light, we are surrendered by divine cosmic love
We salute you for your glorious choice.
We love you
Channeled by Siona- Message from Galactic Federation of Light
4th July 2019- 13:19 UTC
it is time to choose between light and darkness. Upon the entry gate to the fifth dimension you are free to choose whether if let others, society, law and norms, books and history to decide for you or to choose light with your free will through your higher-self guidance.
There are two ways, light and darkness.
Darkness provides you illusional torch to find your path and way out within its dark terrible caves. on your way, you will lose its illusional temporary light and you will be abandoned in mysterious confusions on your path. But light will lead you toward magnificent bright source of light. As you get closer to it, it gets brighter and brighter and how magnificent is to find this forgotten force.
Darkness feeds you with sense of fear to keep you in its dark cave of horror and fears. Light gives you the gift of love and enables you to fly free all over the magnificent universe.
Today 4th of July, is the day of making the most important choice. To choose between light or darkness.
We choose the freedom from thousand years of suffer and darkness’s captivity. We won’t allow to any of dark forces to limit and control us using sensuality, ignorance and darkness.
Today, with the gifted divine will, we leave all limitations, anger, hatred, vengeance, war and fear. We will resonate with gifted light of the higher dimensions and will sign the divine mantra.
We are present, we are in light, we are surrendered by divine cosmic love
We salute you for your glorious choice.
We love you
Channeled by Siona- Message from Galactic Federation of Light
4th July 2019- 13:19 UTC
Urgent Message from Ashtar, the Commander of Galactic Federation of Light
Urgent Message from Ashtar, the Commander of Galactic Federation of Light to Light Workers and Humanity
Greetings to the residents of the earth,
Greetings to the light workers of love,
Be aware:
There will be an intense fluctuation within the rays of sunlight which will occur in large scale within next 8 hours.
Observe silence,
Be in light and stay protected within it.
Avoid all negative senses as sensuality, grudge, revenge and greed when appeared.
It is recommended to do more meditation for next two days and be connected to God by praying.
The next two earth days will determine great landmark for the people of the earth! Consciously choose the light.
Try to spend more time in the nature, practice group meditations of love to earth. The planet will experience an intense radiation soon.
Don’t be worry, everything is on our control.
Turn fear into love.
Sit under the sky while meditating, Take 11 full breaths (Sutra Breath).
Concentrate on your crown chakra and imagine it blooming like a beautiful lotus.
And Repeat:
"Oh Creator, the one who owns and spreads the light and love."
"Indeed, you are pure, and I am light."
"I request you to connect my soul, a drop of your ocean of love, to the glorious dimension of your light."
"Oh my merciful creator, the eternal glory, connect my dim light to your beautiful bright radiations and take the darkness away from our aura and our planet’s aura."
"with the support of the purple lights of your shinning realm, enable my eternal inseparable connection with you ."
"Indeed, I demand for this eternal connection from depth of my heart.
Forgive and pardon us, Oh the most beautiful kind and merciful."
Then Imagine a waterfall of purple lights from divine kingdom flows downward to your body from you crown chakra and surrounds your whole body.
The beautiful light now comes out from your sole chakra and is emitted all around space, city, country and planet.
Imagine that this beautiful light connects you, all humanity and planet earth to the cosmic heart.
Now feel the unity and oneness and feel that you and creator and universe are united, then repeat:
( I am)
( I am surrounded by the divine light)
( I am united with creator)
( I am in the aura of light and divine love)
Take 11 full breaths (Sutra breath).
Open your eyes and enjoy the astonishment.
Ashtar – The Commander of Galactic Federation of light
Channeled by Siona and Sanderlez
2th July 2019 – at 09:05AM UTC
Greetings to the light workers of love,
Be aware:
There will be an intense fluctuation within the rays of sunlight which will occur in large scale within next 8 hours.
Observe silence,
Be in light and stay protected within it.
Avoid all negative senses as sensuality, grudge, revenge and greed when appeared.
It is recommended to do more meditation for next two days and be connected to God by praying.
The next two earth days will determine great landmark for the people of the earth! Consciously choose the light.
Try to spend more time in the nature, practice group meditations of love to earth. The planet will experience an intense radiation soon.
Don’t be worry, everything is on our control.
Turn fear into love.
Sit under the sky while meditating, Take 11 full breaths (Sutra Breath).
Concentrate on your crown chakra and imagine it blooming like a beautiful lotus.
And Repeat:
"Oh Creator, the one who owns and spreads the light and love."
"Indeed, you are pure, and I am light."
"I request you to connect my soul, a drop of your ocean of love, to the glorious dimension of your light."
"Oh my merciful creator, the eternal glory, connect my dim light to your beautiful bright radiations and take the darkness away from our aura and our planet’s aura."
"with the support of the purple lights of your shinning realm, enable my eternal inseparable connection with you ."
"Indeed, I demand for this eternal connection from depth of my heart.
Forgive and pardon us, Oh the most beautiful kind and merciful."
Then Imagine a waterfall of purple lights from divine kingdom flows downward to your body from you crown chakra and surrounds your whole body.
The beautiful light now comes out from your sole chakra and is emitted all around space, city, country and planet.
Imagine that this beautiful light connects you, all humanity and planet earth to the cosmic heart.
Now feel the unity and oneness and feel that you and creator and universe are united, then repeat:
( I am)
( I am surrounded by the divine light)
( I am united with creator)
( I am in the aura of light and divine love)
Take 11 full breaths (Sutra breath).
Open your eyes and enjoy the astonishment.
Ashtar – The Commander of Galactic Federation of light
Channeled by Siona and Sanderlez
2th July 2019 – at 09:05AM UTC
Initial Awareness
Greetings to our beloved ones who are reading this message
As we are moving forward, more and more light workers are being contacted by members of Galactic Federation of Light, specially Commander Ashtar.
Our other fellow light workers who were aware of other channeling sources, are now aware of new channeling sources that have been observed recently in new places around the world.
We are pleased to pass messages from one of these new channeling sources, which delivers messages from Galactic Federation of Light, specially from Commander Ashtar
From the light we are, and to the light we shall
Victory of light.
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