Sunday 7 July 2019

Message received from Dalory -A word with all light workers

A word with all light workers

Most of the light workers have forgotten that they are here as creator’s representatives to create and manifest.

Their focus is usually future oriented or to their true original home. they have gone through hard life experiences as well. (in terms of materialistic concerns).

However, they just should focus more on their lives, to build it correctly and thus to create a beautiful world for themselves and of course everyone else. To teach others about how to create and set them selves free as well. some light workers tend to have a sense of competition!

They tend to obtain each other’s abilities and to show off how bigger their abilities are comparing to others!

They have forgotten that each have a specific ability within them that is particularly for them only! So, they will complete each other once they work together.

They should understand that as long as they feel sad, missed,… they are considered living on this same earth! And earth and its residents are not yet fully evolved.

It is wrong for light workers to assume that they are fully evolved and complete. Because, then they tend to compete with each other and so they will forget their divine mission.

My dears,

You just should choose to live. Live with earth principles but think (and act) spiritually.

Use your soul rather than your mind, so that your soul would manifest new better thoughts and ideas!

To live connected with your higher self, in an earth like a paradise, in a new world, kingdom of the great soul

Be victorious!

Message received from Dalory

07th July 2019

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