Monday 8 July 2019

Ashtar Sheran 08 July 2019 09:01 UTC

Greetings to humanity

Through this message you will receive teachings that are easy to comprehend.

As you are reading this message, either you are already a member of light-work groups following these messages with love, or among those who recently woke up and their souls been touched by divine consciousnesses rainfalls.

I am very glad to see you connecting with divine light and higher consciousness. And I would welcome you to these realms where you are awaken.

Beautiful explorers of consciousness:

Be aware of these energetic rainfalls and consciousness expansion processes. Always try to receive these unique and pure energies at any possible moment.

Try to avoid absurd and vain discussions and maintain your privacy and silence.

Stay away from all those news that provokes sense of fear, panic and thus activating your mind’s curiosity. You should know that whatever that is needed to happen now, is happening already.

Be free and out from 3D holographic matrix. And stay connected with divine light and love.

Keep repeating the provided powerful mantras that carry tremendous light radiations and stay connected with divine light and love.

During chaoses cause by darkness through low vibrating people who keep attacking you, stay away from judging and repeat this mantra : “ I love you “. In every family and society, there are people with low consciousness state who are not aware of love and so decrease your vibration as well.

Here is an example for you to understand: some one from family, a colleague or a friend starts talking about existing social problems, fears and challenges. As a result, your vibration decreases without you knowing it and you may not have a way-out on that moment.

In these situations, immediately establish a connection with light by saying “ I am the light, oh light take me on” and then repeat “ I love you”

Believe that divine light will act as your shield and the “ I love you “ will purify you with love.

Now you are powered and armed with pure light and love.

Your weapon is pure light and love. Love connects you to the source of eternal light.

Consciously and with unconditional love, connect to the light and match with it.

You are light in nature and this connection of lights together has created an eternal beautiful glory which guided and so will guide you toward realm of freedom light and eternal love.

You beautiful divine lights, I love you.

Ashtar Sheran
Channeled by Siona

08 July 2019

09:01 UTC

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